Telling Loved Ones

A couple of weeks ago, my aunt guessed that I was bulimic. She urged me to tell my fiance because it wouldn't be fair to him or our marriage to go in with such a big secret. I just told him a few days ago and he is having a really hard time processing. I'm embarrassed and feel so bad to put this on him, but i'm also afraid that he is going to become more of a watch dog than a lover. I am going to seek help, but until then, How do you live out your life after you tell someone this type of news?


  • freenewme
    freenewme Posts: 62 Member
    give them some time to process what you told them and get some help for your self and might help to look up some web sites that you think are help for your fiance to read if he is willing or some citys have support groups for love ones of people with eating disorders maybe look in to that. um.... for me i have always just told ppl just to ask me, i live with it so i feel i am the best to answer the questions. good luck.
  • zombie_porno
    zombie_porno Posts: 199 Member
    Honestly, if he genuinely loves you, this will not change how he views you or your relationship. He may not always handle it perfectly & yes, he will become more watchful, but as long as he is supportive of your recovery AND your slip ups, instead of being harsh or critical, you should both manage to be okay. Best of luck *hugs*
  • ash2ski
    Thanks for the support ladies. It has been a rough week or two. I know that he is sticking with me through this, but I still feel like its putting a strain on us. This is supposed to be one of the happiest times in my life and instead, i'm sitting here and kicking myself for telling him. Now instead of planning a wedding, we are trying to figure out insurance, times to meet, how long this will take, what my inner demons are, etc..... Its still surreal. Its never really been real to me until now. I've done this for 10 years, but it became so much of a part of my life, that I guess I didn't realize how bad it would look to other people. I really wish I could go back a month or two ago and keep this quiet :(