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bktibbetts Posts: 131 Member
I see that there are many people, but who are we??
I am Brenda, I live in Oregon - working at getting healthy for my husband and 5 kids, but mostly for me. Would love to hear from others out there!!


  • ladymidge
    ladymidge Posts: 11 Member
    Hey from Utah.. looking for some more pals. Part time working mom with two little kids and a hubby in grad school, struggling to make time for working out but really want to be more healthy. :smile:
  • smileybooliz
    smileybooliz Posts: 193 Member
    Just joined this LDS MFP fgroup. My husband that travels a lot for his job, I have 4 daughters- 1st daughter, 22yrs. and serving an LDS Mission in the NY, NY North Mission, she returns on April 12th. 2nd daughter, 21yrs. attending the U of U as a theatre major. 3rd daughter, 18yrs. graduated HS in 2011 and is now studying to an aesthetician. 4th daughter, 14yrs. and in 8th grade. I've been here on MFP since September 2011 and have been slowly losing the weight. I would love to lose it quicker but I'm just happy it's going down and not up :) Feel free to add me if you need a few LDS friends. I would love to have some LDS friends. :flowerforyou:
  • amycarol59
    amycarol59 Posts: 111 Member
    Hi Everyone!
    I am a Mom of 6 kids 3 that are mine and 3 that came with my hubby package but do not live with us. His three are older and his last one graduates this year from HS she is 17. a 20 yr old in College and 23 yr old who graduated college last yr. My three are 11,9, and 3. I am living in the Dallas, TX area. I have been on MFP for a little over a year now and would love some LDS friends to chat with. I am a little over halfway to my goal of dropping 200 lbs and currently at the 140 lost but I know these last 50 are gonna be the killer ones. I have a great story of using food to combat my depression and having to take any anti depressants. It is great what you can learn when you start digging. Friend me I would love some buddies to support.
  • I live in extreme northern California and am divorced and now married to the man of my dreams. My stepsons are 29 and 31. My son from my first marriage is 17. We have a daughter who is 4. I have had an incredible journey with food, weight, and church. I have lost 72 pounds, gained back 40, lost it, gained it...... I currenly have two callings--ward music director and primary singing time leader. I would love to have LDS friends here on MFP. Feel free to add me so we can support each other.
  • Xena03
    Xena03 Posts: 12
    Originally from Northern California now live in Utah with hubby and 3 kids. They're all in school now so mom gets some free time!!Yippee!!! I like to jog the river trail, taking voice lessons, finally at 40! I currently serve on the RS board. I've done a few 5 and 10k's and 2 half marathons. Doing the Hobble Creek Half in August! I would like to lose about 70 lbs. but would be very happy with 50 lbs.

    I would love to chat with you amycarol59 as I'm currently on depression meds but would love to get off :)

    Hey, Ladymidge add me and let me know what part of Utah. I just started walking/jogging with a newbie. Seriously, more walking for now. Today we just got her up to jogging 4 minutes in a row. She's so awesome!! If you're close enough and the time works out you could join us in our quest! Maybe a half marathon in your future?
  • ramasavage
    ramasavage Posts: 12
    Hey everyone! I'm pretty new to MFP, but I'm loving it so far. I'm glad I found an LDS group--how cool is that?

    I'm 23 years old, happily married. Recent BYU graduate and future elementary school teacher (still looking for a job...). 5'1" and very much used to that by now...haha. My goal is to lose about 30 lbs and learn how to be a runner. Feel free to add me--I'd love to have some supportive friends on MFP. :)

    P.S. Did anyone run the Utah County half marathon today? (I didn't...maybe next year.)
  • My name is Jason and i have been on MFP for about 6 months now....I have lost abour 36lbs and I got caught up in all the friends and things started to feel like facebook...and i lost the reason I am on this site...I really want to get back in shape however I would like to have friends that have the same beliefs that I do....I think that makes it easier...

    I have been married for 16.5 years...and I have a 13yr old son and he is amazing..

    I know there are a lot women on this site..however the appearance of having women on your friends list is not appropriate...So i want the support to lose weight...

    I want to be around for my family...

    so let me know what you think....
  • ashsmile78
    ashsmile78 Posts: 3,528 Member
    Hi, I have struggled on and off with church activity since I was a teenager. I am currently active and I have been for the last three years. I am really excited because my less active hubby just started coming back to church and church activities too.

    I live in VIrginia but have also lived in Utah, Georgia, California and briefly in Colorado. I love it here where I am at now. I am happily married to a wonderful man that is my best friend and makes me laugh every day.

    I have been doing MFP for more than a year now (it feels like longer). I gained about 10 pounds at first and then I have lost about 25 pounds since January. I want to lose at a faster rate but at least it is coming off. For about the last month I have plateaued so I am trying to change up my eating and exercise. And I am reaching out to people on this website and fellow church members for extra support. Feel free to add me. I always love to have more friends and I would love them of the LDS variety too!

  • Married, three kids from the LDS colonies in Northern Mexico (a part of LDS history that doesn't get discussed that much any more but at one point 8 of the 12 apostles lived there). Currently living in Mexico City.
  • Hi!!! I am Nina, really starting to get into the whole "support" aspect of this system. I have had MFP for a year or so [honestly cant remember when i signed up], and never really stuck with using it. Now i have a few friends on here and would love to be able to stay active in a group or two. Been LDS my whole life, born and raised in SoCal, married and sealed in the Newport Beach Temple, Husband is in the Army and we are in Kansas for now. He has been in almost 3 years and since he joined i have gained almost 50 lbs! I am determined to NOT be a "typical Army Wife" and hope i can reach my goals using this site to track my progress : ) Hopefully i can help be a support to anyone who needs it! even a couple of encouraging words a day would be good!
    Nina :)
  • KimberErin
    KimberErin Posts: 66 Member
    aww I love this! The other day I was going to ask if there were any members on here.

    My name is Kimber and I'm from Utah. I live in California right now after getting married a year ago. I'm putting my husband through school and then we plan on moving back to Utah so he can go to BYU to become either a seminary or institute teacher. I work at in n out right now and I'm an achievement day leader and a primary teacher of the sunbeams. I love it! Kevin (my husband) is part of the young men program. He is AMAZING with the youth (part of why he wants to teach them even more)

    Life is exciting right now. I'm working on doing the JM 30 day shred. It's amazing and I've already lost 1 inch from my waist and 3 pounds from only 3 days! Pretty amazing I'd say!

    Please add me if you'd like. I'd love to actually have people on here with my same beliefs. :)

    The church is TRUE!!
  • cobebu8
    cobebu8 Posts: 25 Member
    Hi everyone!

    My name is Annie and I live in Florida (Broward county). I am single, no children and am new here at MPF. I have been a member since 1974 when I joined in Puerto Rico at the age of 11. I have lived in Florida (twice), Connecticut, Massachusetts, Illinois, Utah, Idaho and New Mexico. I have met some wonderful people wherever I live and love making new friends.

    Some of my interests are reading, music, writing, traveling, genealogy, swimming and meeting new people. I hope to make some friends here too.

    Good luck with your fitness goals.
  • AliceL21
    AliceL21 Posts: 1
    Hello everyone!

    I'm so glad this group is here. I joined MFP just yesterday and I'm loving it so far. For the first time in my life I feel like I am understanding the relationship between calories, food and exercise. I guess those are pretty basic concepts, but they're new-ish to me!

    I am a stay-at-home mom of 2 small kids. My son is 3 1/2 years and my daughter is just over 2. My husband is currently a grad student at a university in Arkansas! I am NOT from Arkansas and I am still getting used to being in the South (we've been here for a year, 1 more year to go). I'm from Boise, Idaho and my husband is from Denver, CO.

    I am also a full-time student about to graduate with my BA in Child Development in November! Losing the 20 pounds I've gained since moving to Arkansas is the preliminary goal, however I would like to lose just a bit more than that. I would be happy if I can at least run around with my kids without feeling tired or winded. My ultimate goal is one of health and fitness rather than pounds lost.

    Great to be here!
  • dianuhmonkey
    dianuhmonkey Posts: 28 Member
    My name is Diana. I keep bouncing back and forth with mfp . I just get super frustrated as food has always been a struggle for me.
  • dianuhmonkey
    dianuhmonkey Posts: 28 Member
    My name is Diana. I keep bouncing back and forth with mfp . I just get super frustrated as food has always been a struggle for me. I really need support and to see others having success. And after adding a few random people and then deleting them due too tmi posts about drinking and sexual relations I was happy there was actually a Mormon group! Finally maybe some good moral support. I am a recent convert and my husband and I together have 7 kids. I stay at home and do college online. The youngest gets to start half day kindergarten which I am hoping means a little more time for me to work in me. Please feel free to add me because i look forward to helping another on this journey.
  • Wow! How great is this to have support on MFP through LDS friends?! My name is Charlene, and I'm a new convert.. baptized June 24th (my son and I). I was born and raised in MA and my son was born in FL. We have just recently moved to MA where we were lucky enough to have a life changing visit by our local ward missionaries. We have been learning the ropes of life through LDS. I've been struggling to figure out a great balance for us with food and exercise. My son enjoys hours of video game playing but I'd prefer him burning off his excess energy. I am a bit more active but eat more than I should. I do eat pretty healthy as I'm trying to follow the Words of Wisdom guidelines. But, we sometimes eat things that don't help us lose weight. And it definitely doesn't help that my ward has had a lot of bbq parties and such. As fun and entertaining as these functions are, they also cause me to struggle with portion control. But, a friend of mine turned me on to MFP yesterday and I've learned so much already! Now I can be accountable for what I eat and how I exercise. NO EXCUSES! I'll check in every single day to log my diaries and see the official results, whether positive or negative. My only issue is that I am starting a new job tomorrow. I'm not sure how to log it in as exercise because I'll be loading and unloading trucks at UPS part time for around 5 hours a day. It's something like 500 boxes an hour to load, and 1000 boxes an hour to unload. Very physical which is what I need. I practically begged Heavenly Father for this job. Anyway, I'm so excited to really get started with losing weight and to meet new friends, especially fellow LDS members. Good luck everyone and hope to give support soon!
  • I am Linda from Colorado. I have 6 granddaughters and am a newly wed. Just married in the Manti Temple.
    I have a hard time keeping the extra pounds off and hoping I can find support here... it seems kinda quiet though so hoping it will get more active.

    Happy day