Welcome to the Challenge! - Introduce yourself



  • hi all, my name is Helth my weight was 192lb., i started gym in April and stop taking carbohydrates, i lost 20 lbs in 4 moths. i was to lose 20 lbs more. i am pretty excited to join your group, i hope it works..
  • sboo
    sboo Posts: 170 Member
    Hello, all.

    My name is Shawna and I live in Texas. I am a mother of 4year old triplets. I use MFP to help me stay focused and motivated. I am looking to get rid of some extra pounds. I need your help. Looking forward to the challenge.
  • AmeChops
    AmeChops Posts: 744 Member
    Hello! I'm Laura, 29 from Southampton in the UK and I'm 5'9". I'll log my official weight tomorrow morning but I'm around 148lbs - my ultimate goal is 126lbs so if...no, no...WHEN I succeed at this challenge I'll be so close!!

    Nice to meet you all and good luck :flowerforyou:
  • Hey - I've been on/off MFP for the past year and seem to go up and down with my weight but recently a friend and I are nudging each other to do better - lose it and keep it off and say Goodbye to that extra weight once and for all. So, I'm increasing the # of my workouts and trying to stick to the 1200 calorie goal each and every day with the help of MFP! This add'l 10 week challenge will help to keep me motivated even more ....for the next 10 weeks. I'm 36 yrs old and at a weight of 170 right now - So I really need to lose that 10% to improve my health and get back down to 153lbs. Let's Do it!
  • Hi, I'm Kim. I just joined MFP yesterday and am excited to participate in this challenge as it seems attainable. I've lost 55 lbs since last year but have really been slacking lately and this will surely motivate me!
  • Hi! I'm Sayalathieo..and I'm SO excited! I've hit my plateau and cant seem to lose anymore weight so hopefully this group will push me in the right direction..plus it seems like fun. Feel free to add me!! Good luck everyone!
  • Hi there! I opted for the 15-lb challenge because I have 30ish lbs left to lose, so a great mini-goal is half of that! I'm hoping that this will be a fun way for me to push myself harder and stronger and make a big dent in the weight I have left to lose :)
  • Good challenge - similiar through on-line WW worked for me 2 years ago, so hoping for the same. I'm Linda, on MFP for last 2 weeks. Second weigh in tomorrow.
  • Hi all,
    I'm Cindy. I'm a college student. Im sort of a "mood eater". When I don't have anything that keep me busy, I can visit my kitchen many many times to grab food. Known my weakness, I try to keep myself as busy as possible this school semester. Now, I try to prepare food from scratch whenever possible. Exercise-wise, Alternating strength and cardio is my goal. I also want to try different cardio activity. I use MFP on my iPad, so I almost log in daily. if you are looking for a buddy, feel free shoot an email =>
  • Hello everyone! I'm Rachel. I used MFP last year to lose about 45 lbs. I've since "fallen off the wagon" and gained some back. I'm excited to get started and try again. I think this challenge will be just the boost I need!
  • Factory_Reset
    Factory_Reset Posts: 1,651 Member
    Hi everyone I'm Liane. I'm 32 and had my fourth and final baby last october. After having him my mom was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer. She lost her battle in July. I spent all those months just being with her and taking care of her that I forgot (made excuses) not to take care of myself, and really pretty negligant as a mom/wife. Thankfully I have wonderful kids and hubby! Quit nursing my son in July as well and decided I want to be the healthy, fit mom/wife I use to be. Hit my highest pregnancy weight ever with my son so I've been at my heaviest weight since october. Have been trying to work out and eat better since August and have dropped 15lbs already. Joined MFP last Wed. Felt I needed some extra support/motivation. My hubby is great and we use to be able to workout together all the time but his job calls him away now :( I'm embarrassed to say that I'm 185lbs right now. I have a ways to go to my goal but really want this challenge to push me. Looking forward to it actually!!
  • Hi ther. My name is Chazza and I live in Scotland :) I have been a member of MFP for quite some time no but seemed to have hit a brick wall and this is exactly what I need! My starting weight is 157lbs and would love to be 140lbs by the end of this! Look forward to getting to knnow u all and wish u lots of luck xxx
  • MewShy
    MewShy Posts: 29 Member
    Hi everyone

    Majella here from Ireland, I am more then happy to just concentrate on the next 15lbs off and be one dress size smaller. Love the idea of this group, it's great not to do this alone :) I've recently put on 10lbs or so due to family health problem, I nearly lost my father in May and it totally knocked me outta this world!!! Anyway I'm looking forward to all the chats we shall have :)
  • meesha75
    meesha75 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Michelle! I'm terrible at keeping on track with eating right, so this challenge would be good to give me an additional something to keep me accountable. I'm looking forward to joining this challenge with all of you.
  • jckirby1981
    jckirby1981 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi my name is Jamie Im 31 and I have an 8 month old son who changed my world for the better,but since his birth I have had the hardest time shedding the baby weight. I lost some but since I returned to work where I sit for 12 hours a day infront of a computer I have gained what I lost back and I need some motivation to get this done I want to be healthy so I can enjoy time with my family and be active together.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • xMillyLouisex
    xMillyLouisex Posts: 171 Member
    heya im emily and from the UK, looking forward to this mini challenge its defos guna keep me in check! :)

    i am 138lb and my goal weight (for now) is 120lb good luck everyone! :)

  • jewels7683
    jewels7683 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi! I am Jillian. I joined MFP over a year ago and have had a lot of issues sticking to a weight loss plan. I am currently 262 and I would like to be 245 by Thanksgiving if not lower. I am hoping this challenge will keep me motivated. Thanks!
  • bethfartman
    bethfartman Posts: 363 Member
    Hi! My name is Beth. I’m excited to do this challenge, I was really good about my diet and exercise May-August, but these last couple of weeks I’ve been busy and stressed and have slacked off significantly. I’m a little over half-way to my goal, so I’m determined not to give up and follow through all the way through to the end. I have a bad habit of weighing every day I go to the gym (which is about 4 days a week, more now that summer is ending and won’t be surfing as often), so I’m going to restrict my weigh-ins to the days designated for this challenge. I'm a pretty competitive person, so this should help keep me mentally on track. Yay!
  • monette13
    monette13 Posts: 40 Member
    Hi, My name is Monette.

    My main goal is to get closer to my October 26th goal of 150lbs and if I can be healthier and be at a better weight by Thanksgiving, even better!!!! I am here to join a group where I HAVE to be accountable for myself because I have others looking out for me.
    I need the push!!!
    So please, if you have joined this group, friend me so you can keep me accountable and on track.

  • Hi i'm Roger feel free to add me as a friend and good luck everyone.