Looking for a workout body

Hi I'm trying to lose 150 lbs I am 5'8" tall and almost 25 yrs old. I havent had my period in about 18 months and I have pcos. I am really determined to lose the weight so that I can hopefully conceive with in the next year or so. I am just looking for support from other women like me. It seems that everyone around me is pregnant and as soon as they have one baby they are pregnant with the next- my sister in law and her sisters are all pregnant right now . So I am happy for them but sad about my own situation. My husband is fully supportive he just worries about my health.


  • JNC1987
    Also I have tried metfromin and is makes me I'll, I tried it for three months. I,ve tried vitex but after four months either I'm not taking enough or too much or its just not working for me at all. I can,t handle birth control either and neither could my mom so it's genetic, before my mom had us three kids they told her, her pcos was so bad she would never have kids. There is always hope.
  • thatsingergirl
    thatsingergirl Posts: 70 Member
    I've read a bit of research that talks about how weight training can really train your body to use sugar properly (one of the problems with PCOS being blood sugar issues/insulin resistance). I've found that weight training has made a huge difference in my body shape, and also the amount of energy I have.
    Also, there's a lot of buzz about Inositol (sp?), which is a vitamin supplement. It's supposed to help in the same way metformin does. Check it out online and read up on some of the research.. I've been taking it about a month and have also been hearing amazing things from other ladies with PCOS.
  • keriko
    keriko Posts: 18 Member
    I'm 27, 5'8" and looking to lose around 30 - 40 lbs, also have PCOS.

    I have been doing low carb for just about 3 months now and only after doing strength training have i seen ANY weight loss. I keep my carbs between 20-30 / day and work out at least 2-3x/week. I don't do cardio (save for cycling but that is because i like it) and focus largely on building muscle. I've been doing this routine for the past 3 weeks and have seen and felt some great results! I have a lot more energy, feel stronger and find myself actually looking forward to going to the gym!

    Us PCOS ladies have to stick together! I've noticed that we nearly always have to tweak any diet, so don't be afraid to play around and find what works for you. :)

    Key to it all is not give up!
  • JNC1987
    Thanks for the feedback, I am starting to do weights three times a week and my goal is to walk the dogs an hour a day outside until it gets to cold then switch to cardio in the gym. I have no excuse it to go I am enrolled in college and have a gym membership so I hav access to two gyms. I also found out I have a gluten allergy if not celiac so I have to go gluten free and I am hoping that will also help me lose weight having mor whole type foods then processed crap. I am. Also going to commit to journal ing everything even if I am over