Target Heart Rate Zones

Hello All,

I just started INSANITY yesterday, and the Plyometric workout was brutal! I couldn't complete some of the moves, but I thought I was really working hard and burning calories. To my surprise, my HRM only said 193 calories burned. Disappointing, but maybe I didn't push myself as hard as I thought. One thing for sure, my HRM was beeping like crazy because I was either above my HR zone or below it. Apparently, I spent equal time above and below my target HR zone. Are any of you experiencing this problem? Should I expect to stay within a target zone doing INSANITY?

Your advice is welcome!

Created by - Free Calorie Counter


  • golferd
    golferd Posts: 400 Member
    The calorie burned seems low. Did you stop when your HRM beeped at you? Mine never shut up at the beginning. I didn't need a beep I could feel it. Now, I hardly hear it anymore.

    You have to decide, to ignore it or not. Hunched over on the floor I would stop. Feeling ok but beeping, keep going but slow down. Part of the training is learning to control your breathing. Deep breath and pushing it out to get fresh air. He gives tips.

    I did p90x and thought that pace was fast. Seems turtle speed.

    Good luck,
  • tsegears
    tsegears Posts: 94
    Thanks for your advice. I agree the calorie burn was low. I think I inadvertently turned the the timer off. I burned more calories last night (315). Still low, but an improvement. Before long, I will be pulling bigger numbers. Give me a couple weeks!

    As for the beeping, you are probably right, I was slowing down to look at the numbers of the watch and to catch my breath. I read someting last night in Insanity booklet that in most cases my heart rate will be beyond the 75-85% HR zone. So, I just have to Dig Deeper.
  • tsegears
    tsegears Posts: 94
    I re-read my HRM instructions and found out that I was reading my Fat burn as my Calorie burn (duh). I've since seen crazy calorie burn numbers 900 plus.
  • Does anyone have a recommendation for heart rate monitors? I never know how many calories I am burning - I just keep going as fast and hard as I can... My heart rate goes anywhere from 140-180 (based on my pulse count). I would like to get something a bit more reliable that calculates calories burned too.
  • FitBrunette
    FitBrunette Posts: 28 Member
    Does anyone have a recommendation for heart rate monitors? I never know how many calories I am burning - I just keep going as fast and hard as I can... My heart rate goes anywhere from 140-180 (based on my pulse count). I would like to get something a bit more reliable that calculates calories burned too.

    I have a Polar FT7 and LOVE it. I definitely recommend it! It has a strap that stays on your chest the entire workout, records your heartrate, and sends the info to your watch. I used to use a mio where I had to stop and hold down the buttons and wait for a reading which took forever and was often inaccurate.
  • Thanks for the recommendation - I will check it out... I definitely don't want something that is going to get in the way.... I am only in the 2nd week and struggling to keep up - don't need any other distractions :laugh: