Weigh Ins



  • Starting weight: 268
    Long-term Goal: 150
    By Thanksgiving: 240
  • tranquilpaths
    tranquilpaths Posts: 19 Member
    Oops I meant to put that I will be 215 by Thanksgiving :)
  • jvac9397
    jvac9397 Posts: 25 Member
    Starting weight today: 250.4
    Thanksgiving goal: 220
    Long term goal: 130
  • Hello all! Happy to be part of the group. Like most here, this journey is not new to me, but hopefully this time it will be completed. My starting weight is 220. My short term goals are to not get overwhelmed and continue the journey. My long term goal is 165, shooting for Spring 2013. March specifically. Good Luck everyone!
  • My starting weight is 246.1. I would like to see a goal weight of 230 by Thanksgiving.
  • adancer59
    adancer59 Posts: 302 Member
    Starting Weight: 200
    Long Term Goal: 160
    Thanksgiving Goal: 190

    I would love to lose more, but like this group is called...I'm starting over, so I don't have much confidence. Hopefully I've set a manageable goal of 10 lbs in about 10 weeks.
  • Hi everyone!!

    My starting weight was 278...I'm down to 258 now, by Thanksgiving would like to be 235.

    Long term goal is 135
  • Ilene36
    Ilene36 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi, I am a size 14 and I will be at a size10 by Thanksgiving!!
  • wiggywompus
    wiggywompus Posts: 65 Member
    I weigh 136lbs does n't sound a lot but I started at 140lbs and would like to get down to 119. As I am "mature" this is proving very hard and so this group will give me the added commitment to loose this. Would like to achieve this by my birthday in November
  • Loveable64
    Loveable64 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi my startin weight was 233 and a month befor that it was 248 so am tryin to get down to 140 by ? And I want to lose at least 10lbs by Dec my Birthday.
  • newgirl512
    newgirl512 Posts: 58 Member
    My starting weight is 169
    Goal weight is 150
    would like to be at 150 by Christmas!
  • SW:243
    GW: 141

    tried so many times hope to do this this time. :)
    want to be below 210 for xmas!
  • bwatt11
    bwatt11 Posts: 21 Member
    Good morning. Starting weight is 181 and goals are Down 10 by Halloween, 15 by Thanksgiving and down at least 20 by Christmas :)
  • cmg4721
    cmg4721 Posts: 623 Member
    Good morning! I love the idea of this group!

    Goal Weight by Thanksgiving:178
    Ultimate Goal Weight:145
  • sdnwood
    sdnwood Posts: 4 Member
    Weigh in on Tuesday, I'll be checking in with everyone then. I feel like having until Tuesday gives me a chance to start getting my eating under control again before I have to bare the ugly truth. I do know my goal weight for Thanksgiving, 155.
  • I'd love to lose around 10-15lbs by Thanksgiving. I weigh in at 234lbs.
  • newhabit
    newhabit Posts: 426 Member
    I am working on losing my last 10 lb by Thanksgiving. I have lost 2 lb that I gained over vacation and my hope is to be down the rest of the 8 by Thanksgiving. I feel like that is reasonable, given I am near my goal weight.

    Goals are:
    Sept 22-23: Down 2 more lbs
    Oct 6-7: Down 1 more lb
    Oct 20-21: Down 2 more lb
    Nov 3-4; Down 1 more lb
    Nov 17-18: Down 2 more lb - At goal weight before Thanksgiving!
  • I agree the lower weight is frustrating too. For a person 5'2, I should weigh 118 according to the charts. I was 145 today. That makes me official on the over weight/obese line although you would not think that if you saw me.
  • newhabit
    newhabit Posts: 426 Member
    I agree the lower weight is frustrating too. For a person 5'2, I should weigh 118 according to the charts. I was 145 today. That makes me official on the over weight/obese line although you would not think that if you saw me.

    i am 5'4" so i understand! we can't really weigh that much before we cross into obese it seems like... makes it very difficult to maintain for me... and we have to eat so many fewer calories. the hardest thing for me is nearing the goal weight how little you burn with exercise since you are closer to goal. very frustrating. but im' happy to be close to goal, don't get me wrong. first year i was able to wear a bikini to the beach in years
  • My name is Brittany. Starting weight was 215. Current weight is 193. Goal by New Years Day is 30 lbs.