


  • Tiggeroo2321
    Tiggeroo2321 Posts: 22 Member
    Hey Everyone! I'm Rebecca and I'm 30 yrs. old. I just had my third daught this past July and am super excited to get this weight off! My weight gain started really when I married my husband in 2003. Before I had my first daughter I had already gained about 14lbs and after I had her I lost 34 of the 44 I had gained, but then I got pregnant again and from then on it's been a battle to even keep an even weight. I'm currently at 216 and would LOVE to get back down around 145!!

    So I'm the mother of three little girls who definitely keep me on my toes! I used to walk everyday up until about three years ago. We moved out to the country and there really isn't a good place to walk safely where I live now. I also started working in Aug of 2010 which packed on a lot of pounds due to stress and comfort eating! (I quite my job in May of this year and am now a SAHM again!) So I just ordered a treadclimber that is due to come in on Friday! I'm so ready to feel like a woman again and not just a mother or a wife. I want to set a good example for my girls. I don't want to pass on Type II diabetes which runs in my family...I want my husband to notice me instead of just being used to my presence.

    So my goal is to lose the entire 71lbs. before our next anniversary in October of 2013! Good Luck everyone!
  • newgirl512
    newgirl512 Posts: 58 Member
    Heidi, I'm just like you. I'm 50 and have a lot of great friends that like to run, bike, swim, but also eat, drink, and eat some more!
    Dinner out with drinks happens about 4 nights a week. I have gained 20 pounds since moving to TN and I need to really work on getting it off. I keep saying I'm going to do it and then I don't. So here I go again :)....................
  • DreamerZenko
    DreamerZenko Posts: 59 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I am Amanda, or Manda, which ever you want to call me. I'm 25 years old and overweight, looking to get my weight back down. I started My Fitness Pal this past January, did well, but then fell off track. I'm back again to try and lose that weight I want off. Mainly want the weight off for myself and for cosplaying. I also generally want to be more fit and strong.

    I love food, and I need motivation to exercise. I am also a web designer (sit down all day job) and enjoy drawing, writing, video editing, sewing and crafts, and video games - all non moving activities! I do like to swim, go for walks, and dance (even though I don't know how to.

    I am trying to set goals and stick to them, this group looks like it can help me with that.

    Let's all do our best! :)
  • cmg4721
    cmg4721 Posts: 623 Member
    Good Morning Everyone!!!

    I'm so glad that I found this group! My name is Christina. I started MFP almost 2 years ago (Jan 2011) at 214lbs. With exercise and eating better, I steadily lost weight and was down to 159lbs for my wedding in April 2012.

    Since then, I have stopped exercising regularly and I haven’t been consistently keeping track of what I’ve been eating, so now I’m back up to 184lbs :sadface: The turning point now was I had a customer at work yesterday ask me if I was expecting….now he’s a moron to begin with, and it could have been that that the sweater I was wearing was a little tight, or even the way I was sitting on my stool, but either way, that was so hard for me to hear.

    I want to get back on track, now it just seems like things are always getting in the way or I’m just too tired to put in consistent effort. Hopefully, with the help and support of everyone on here, I can find my way back to getting healthy again!

    Can’t wait to share this journey with all of you!
  • rachellosesitall85
    Hello everyone, I'm Rachel located currently in Maryland. I'm a 27 yr old Army wife, no children, and I own my own residential cleaning company. I've been on MFP for about 2 years now and haven't really lost much of anything. A few years back I lost around 30lbs but slowly it's been creeping back up. I was a skinny kid up until the age of 13 when I started gaining weight. I had a very rough childhood consisting of a lot of traumatic experiences which caused me to dissociate as well as eat my emotions, thus gaining weight. I've been a size 16/18 for about 12 years now and I'd like to get down to a 6/8 by this time next year.

    I've been diagnosed with ADD (which explains why it's extremely hard for me to mentally get through a work out) low end of anemia, and possible high blood pressure. My doctor believes the high blood pressure is gained from the birth control I was currently on and I'm monitoring myself for a week so I don't have to take high blood pressure meds like both my parents. The birth control also seems to have halted my weight loss as I've noticed I've gained and yo yoed since I've been on it though my calories have been under 1600. Now that it's removed I'm looking forward to a fresh start. I've started a few MFP groups and challenges but lately I haven't been practicing what I've preached so here's to a fresh new start.
  • Dnalbellehcim
    Hello everyone!!

    I'm Michelle, I'm 38 and a mommy of the most beautiful 5 yr old little girl who just started Kindergarten!! She's amazing! I had my last "day one" last Saturday. I'm very determined not to have another "day one" regarding weight loss again! I just want to get back to a healthy weight. It's not about being skinny or fitting into a particular size, just getting back to healthy. I have had 3 knee surgeries and the extra weight doesn't help with the pain so it's sooooooo time to release it. I don;t want to lose it, but release it because if I only lose it, I might find it again!! Lol!!

    Catch ya on the down side!
  • hottiewithin
    Hello, My name is Sheila, I am 44 years old and feeling it every day. I live in a small town in Northern Michigan, in fact, the same town that I grew up in. I am a single mother of two teens and seeing a great guy.

    A couple years ago, I lost weight and maintained for over two years, then my thryroid levels went out of wack again and I gained around 30 pounds in a month. Seriously, I am not sure how in the world that happened, but it did. After some not nice life changes, I gained the rest almost all back. It is time for me to take my life back.
  • downunder31
    downunder31 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    My name is Missi I am 32 yrs old & I live in FL & YES- it's hotter then hot here this summer! With the inclimate, hot weather, it does make it very difficult to do outdoor activities here, so I always prefer to be inside in the A/C, including my exercise. I've struggled with my weight since childhood & have recently encountered major stomach/digestive issues. At this point in my life, I KNOW I have to get the weight off & follow thru with it, for my own well being! I live with my wonderful Fiance, , who loves me for me & will always support me, but I Know that I have to complete this Journey for me. We have a family 3 very active, spoiled dogs & 2 lazy cats who are our "children", but I Know that I have to complete this wight loss Journey for me,especially if I want to have Children some day.I am great at cooking & can make healthy options very flavorful & tasty.. Of course I LOVE ALL THE GOODIES, sweets, Chocolate, Carbs, Pizza & Junk Food... but my struggle is not so much with food, it's with exercise & activity.. I absolutely hate it, I get very bored , very quickly.... Maybe after I drop some weight I will enjoy it more? Any motivational tips or suggestions for exercise would be greatly appreciated. Hope everyone has a great weekend!

  • pugloversara
    Hello everyone ;) Im so happy to see such a wide variety of people in this group. I am so excited.

    @Missi (downunder31) I can completely understand about about getting bored with workouts. I do love video games though and have found the kinect for xbox 360 a big help with keeping me motivated. I love to dance and really love the dance games. I find that the black eyed peas experience really gets me sweating within mins. but for a starter I would try Dance Central or Dance Central 2. They also have specific workout games like UFC Trainer which is another great one I love the open speed bags. Then there are others but I haven't tried them yet. I also can relate with you about wanting to lose weight to some day have a baby. I have babys of the furry kind also but none of my own and if i want this then I have to lose weight because my PCOS is just not having it any other way.