Good weather - Exercise

Who's making the most of the recent good weather to get out and do some exercise, even if it's only a walk in the park (pun intended :-)

I've been out for a couple of cycle rides. Not quite the Vuelta, but it beat just sitting on my backside.


  • helenld1
    helenld1 Posts: 233 Member
    I've been out running - I've been doing a lot of classes in the gym recently and loved the change of fresh air (even though it fairly warm at 7:45 this morning!). I've also been gardening. Granted - not an exercise but I still was outside and worked up a sweat. :laugh: Need to take advantage as I find it harder to motivate myself when it starts to get dark and cold, but hey, who doesn't?
  • Ventnorman
    Loads of fast walking !
  • Ant_the_old_keith_lemon
    i did a 30 miles ride yesterday on my moutain bike, only on road but averaged 15mph.. hrm was going bonkers and burnt 1800 cals :) yeahhhh budddyy

    and now its dark and dingy outside
  • glenncomiskey
    glenncomiskey Posts: 233 Member
    Congrats everyone. Glad to hear others have been out "making hay whilst the sun shines" as soon enough it'll be cold, wet and dark and as mentioned it'll harder then to motivate ourselves to get out there.

    Managed to get out for a ride today. Grey, overcast and windy. Portent of worst to come no doubt, but he's hoping I keep getting out there - otherwise I won't be ready for Rio 2016! :-)

    Keep up the good work.
  • squankmuffin
    squankmuffin Posts: 130 Member
    Will be out for a walk soon. Once I can go out without risk of burning (I'm ginger and freckly!). I would do HIIT outside, but I think that's a step to take later. Especially after my boyfriend describes it as "frog moves". Ha ha!
  • glenncomiskey
    glenncomiskey Posts: 233 Member
    Trust you're all still getting out there and making the most of the continuing good weather - albeit it was bit chilly on my bike ride today.
  • Lionidle
    Since i've joined MFP (i think 2 weeks now) i've been attempting to do 7 miles on my bike each lunchtime every day. i hope to try and continue when the weather turns.
  • glenncomiskey
    glenncomiskey Posts: 233 Member
    Since i've joined MFP (i think 2 weeks now) i've been attempting to do 7 miles on my bike each lunchtime every day. i hope to try and continue when the weather turns.

    Lionidle have a look at joining the group "Miles Challenge" where you declare a target for the number of miles per month you'll walk, run, cycle or whatever. I've joined this group and declared a target for September. I make regular posts tracking my progress as I find having made a public statement to (in my case) cycle 300km/186.4mi I find it a good incentive to get out there and do the miles.

    I'd say you don't have to put in a particularly high or challenging target, but if you declare the number of miles you'd expect to do in a month completing your 7 miles at lunchtime I think you'll find it an incentive to keep doing it - despite the weather.

    All the best.