Miles Completed for the week of Sept. 9-15

SGRHO23 Posts: 145 Member
Please post your miles completed in this discussion. Include the miles from this weekend as well.


  • blackmantis
    blackmantis Posts: 165 Member
    24.7 Miles down
    105.3 Miles left
  • glenncomiskey
    glenncomiskey Posts: 233 Member
    24.5km/15.2 ride today, making my total so far 66.5km/41.3mi (22%).

    Trust everyone is making good progress toward their target.
  • 30 of my 80 miles completed! I cant believe that I'm actually questioning if I should have gone higher!
  • glenncomiskey
    glenncomiskey Posts: 233 Member
    30 of my 80 miles completed! I cant believe that I'm actually questioning if I should have gone higher!

    Sounds like you're doing well so far flyingpurplemonkey. I think it's important to set challenging but achievable targets. It has to be high enough so you have to keep plugging away at it - that's how it'll become habit forming so it becomes a natural part of your life - but achievable 'cause if you fail to meet the target it can be demoralising and set you back.

    Slowly, slowly catchee monkey. You can always increase your target in October.

    Best of luck.
  • 3.64 miles today
    ..i dont know how many ive done total
    but my goal was 20
  • raqufern
    raqufern Posts: 794 Member
    Sep. 1 ran 2miles (48 left)
    Sep. 5 hiked/ran 3miles (45 left)
    Sep. 7 ran 2 miles (43 left)

    I am not able to log over the weekend so here is my input for then......
    Sep. 8 ran 2 miles (41 left)

    Sep. 10 ran 2miles (39 left)

    So far so good! I am considering upping my daily runs to 3 miles instead of 2!!! Kinda scared though!!!!!
  • alucido
    alucido Posts: 167 Member
    Before this week I had 2.25 down.


    total of 8.5

    my original goal was 100 but i started a little late so i'm dropping it down to 75...66.5 left to go
  • Ran 1.12 yesterday
    Today: 1.36
  • glenncomiskey
    glenncomiskey Posts: 233 Member
    24.5km/15.2 ride today, making my total so far 66.5km/41.3mi (22%).

    25.6km/15.9mi ride today taking my total up to 92.1km/57.2mi (31%).
  • glenncomiskey
    glenncomiskey Posts: 233 Member
    25.6km/15.9mi ride today taking my total up to 92.1km/57.2mi (31%).

    Long ride today, 50.5km/31.4mi. Total now at 142.6km/88.6mi (47.5%).
  • kimbersyl
    kimbersyl Posts: 10 Member
    So far this week I did:

    Sept 10-5.66 miles
    Sept 11- 4.98 miles
    Sept 13- 3.98 miles

    My goal this month is 35 miles since I just started back to walking. I am now 16.36 miles from my goal.
  • 3.10 miles today
  • I'm slackin on my pimpin! 32 miles so far :(
  • I cant seem to find my last post on my there an easy way to find them
  • PammyGift
    PammyGift Posts: 24 Member
    TUES 2
    WED off
    THURS 2.4
    FRI 3.03
    SAT 3
    TOTAL FOR week 10.43
    TOTAL 10.43 Walking

    TOTALS for SEPT 9-15
    SAT 3
    SUN off
    MON 3.32 W 2.31 B
    TUES 3.42 W 2.71 B
    WED off
    THURS 4.59 W
    FRI 4.64 W
    Walking 3+3.32+3.42+4.59+4.64 =18.97 Miles
    Biking 5.02 MIles
    TOTAL for BOTH 23.99

    WALKING 29.4
    BIKING 5.02
    TOTAL 34.42

    MY PLEDGE was 60 miles WALKING
    30.6 miles to go!!
    Biking, Elliptical is a bonus!
  • SGRHO23
    SGRHO23 Posts: 145 Member
    Sep. 1 ran 2miles (48 left)
    Sep. 5 hiked/ran 3miles (45 left)
    Sep. 7 ran 2 miles (43 left)

    I am not able to log over the weekend so here is my input for then......
    Sep. 8 ran 2 miles (41 left)

    Sep. 10 ran 2miles (39 left)

    So far so good! I am considering upping my daily runs to 3 miles instead of 2!!! Kinda scared though!!!!!
    You are doing a great job!!
  • SGRHO23
    SGRHO23 Posts: 145 Member
    I cant seem to find my last post on my there an easy way to find them
    Kathy post in here again.
  • SGRHO23
    SGRHO23 Posts: 145 Member
    I have completed 30 miles for this week. I have 70 miles left.
  • leken04
    leken04 Posts: 54 Member
    I am at 119.2 for the month. And 70.7 this week. I don't think I'll ride anymore this weekend but if I do I'll add it.
  • BakerRunnerBadass
    BakerRunnerBadass Posts: 1,359 Member
    Completed 11 miles as of this morning for a total of 25 miles this month. Right on track with 25 miles left to go!!