RAGNAR Jan 2013 Miami to Key West

nmzeta Posts: 381 Member
I am doing the Ragnar relay race in January from Miami to Key West. Are there any veterans out there that have some advice?


  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    I've not done one, but I have friends who have. Here are some of the things I've seen them mention.

    Pack your running outfit for each leg in a single, gallon size zip-lock bag. Then, you can return the sweaty clothes to the bag to keep the stink down.

    Make PBJ sandwiches ahead of time. It's a PITA to try to make sandwiches in a crowded van.

    Take your Ipod so you can zone out for a bit if you need to disconnect from the group.
  • nmzeta
    nmzeta Posts: 381 Member
    Thanks for the tips! Esp on the gallon bags. I will bring extra in case others don't have them.