Miles Completed for the week of Sept. 9-15



  • glenncomiskey
    glenncomiskey Posts: 233 Member
    Long ride today, 50.5km/31.4mi. Total now at 142.6km/88.6mi (47.5%).

    Managed to get a 24.5km/15.2mi ride in today. Total now standing at 167.1km/103.8mi (55.7%).

    Whilst making good progress, I'll need to squeeze some big rides in next week otherwise I'll miss my target as then away on hols for the rest of month.
  • PammyGift
    PammyGift Posts: 24 Member
    I did my math wrong..(not my strong suit anyway)
    TUES 2
    WED off
    THURS 2.4
    FRI 3.03
    SAT 3
    TOTAL FOR week 10.43
    TOTAL 10.43 Walking

    TOTALS for SEPT 9-15
    SUN off
    MON 3.32 W 2.31 B
    TUES 3.42 W 2.71 B
    WED off
    THURS 4.59 W
    FRI 4.64 W
    Walking 3+3.32+3.42+4.59+4.64 =15.97 Miles
    Biking 5.02 MIles
    TOTAL for BOTH 20.99

    WALKING 26.4
    BIKING 5.02
    TOTAL 31.42

    MY PLEDGE was 60 miles WALKING
    33.6 miles to go!!
    Biking, Elliptical is a bonus!
  • ddeiser
    ddeiser Posts: 14 Member
    8 miles this week. Total of 16 miles for the month. 14 more to go to reach goal. Yea!
  • SGRHO23
    SGRHO23 Posts: 145 Member
    8 miles this week. Total of 16 miles for the month. 14 more to go to reach goal. Yea!
    Awesome job!!!
  • tinawp70
    tinawp70 Posts: 9 Member
    Monthly Goal 25
    9/2 = 1
    9/4 = 1
    9/6 = 1.5

    9/9 = 1.5
    9/11 = 1.5
    9/13 = 1.75
    9/15 = 1.25

    9/16 = 1.5

    11 completed....14 to go! This is great for me as I have been a "couch potatoe" for months (probably yrs) and just started back walking this month :)
  • kimbersyl
    kimbersyl Posts: 10 Member
    I have been walking with a friend and we've been trying to jog at the end. Well now my hip is sore, I don't know if it's from trying to jog or my shoes. But I am resting my hip will probably will not walk until Thursday. Might just do yoga and stretches.

    Sept 10-5.66 miles
    Sept 11- 4.98 miles
    Sept 13- 3.98 miles
    9/15-4.40 miles

    My goal this month is 35 miles since I just started back to walking. I am now 11.96 miles from my goal.
  • krim12
    krim12 Posts: 102
    Im at 31.42 miles for the month

    Half way through the month and i am well overhalf way to my goal 50 miles

    15.58 to go
  • SweetWillie2
    SweetWillie2 Posts: 13 Member
    21 miles for this week/ 9-15, which included a 10 miler on Saturday
  • alucido
    alucido Posts: 167 Member
    I completed 24.5 miles this week.
  • raqufern
    raqufern Posts: 794 Member
    I fell off the wagon you guys and have not rand for the past week except for sat. well and today! Here is where I am at:

    Sep. 1 ran 2miles (48 left)
    Sep. 5 hiked/ran 3miles (45 left)
    Sep. 7 ran 2 miles (43 left)

    I am not able to log over the weekend so here is my input for then......
    Sep. 8 ran 2 miles (41 left)

    Sep. 10 ran 2miles (39 left)

    Sep. 15 ran 2 m iles (37 left)

    Wow I am not sure I am gonna make the cut! I ran today as well but will add this on the appropriate thread!