Week 2 Discussion

Lets talk about what we did for work outs during week 1, what you ate, what you were thinking while working out, etc....

Please share your stories!


  • jennifermaffei17
    For me....I am recovering from shin splint injuries on both legs from doing 30DS too hard a couple weeks ago. This past week I have taken it easy and did some yoga and used my stationary bike to take the discomfort away. Today, I feel no pain so I know what I did must have worked!

    As far as my diet, I have eaten a lot of salads and increased my water intake. I've also given myself a rule of having a dessert every night as long as it's within my calorie budget for the day. This reduces my chances of actually binging and cheating on my diet.

    And while I work out all I think about is.....I HATE THIS but damn I'm going to look hot in a few short months!!
  • Journey2Heaven
    Journey2Heaven Posts: 45 Member
    I hate shin splints. I haven't had them in a while since I haven't been a runner in years...lol. I haven't been great with workouts this week. I really want to get back into running. I downloaded an app on my phone and plan on starting the training program they suggest to get me back to running 4/5 miles. I also am considering rejoining the YMCA. I filled out my app, I just have to convince myself to part with the money.
  • hunters_mom_519
    As for this week... i weighed in today to do a check and i am up 1.5 pounds. however, i am not super concerned as it is only 1.5 pounds and it could be a easy as water weight. I did not exercise at all (shame on me) but i intend to tonight with our 4 year old son. I have also had a new outlook on this weight lose thing. I am not longer going to look at it as a diet but a transformation. Although transformations take time I am fine with that as long as i do it the right and healthy way. I do not want to do it the wrong way and later down the road be right back to where I am now as I have done so many times before. I am going to take this a day at a time and not be so hard on myself. I know as I only have 36 ish pounds to lose I am not going to be seeing results a quickly as I would if i had more to lose. I will do this and become a healthier person for my family, myself, and my confidence.
  • RheneeB
    RheneeB Posts: 461 Member
    My husband turned our pasture into a 5 hole golf course (hilarious) but true. Every night we have gone out and played golf on our little course, practicing for a men's tournament at our church coming up at the end of September. Approximately 250 men play and I am always the only woman on the course playing - don't know why other than these other men just take the game too serious and don't want their wives screwing their scores up!! I felt bad that I wasn't doing an exersize DVD but was pleased to find that I was burning some calories swinging my clubs. My husband also surprised me with a baseball glove last weekend....yep, you read me correctly. You see, we have 5 children and they range from 18 to 28. The oldest, Josh, is married with 2 little boys, Brittiny is engaged to be married in April of 2013, Autumn is finishing her master's degree in Industrial Organizational Psychology, Jared just graduated from college this past May and took a job in Savannah, Georgia (about 4 hours south of us) and the youngest, Caleb has must moved 3 hours away to start college. So what I figure is happening is....our kids are creating their own lives now and we don't have them popping in and out like we are used to. The 2 youngest boys especially spent a lot of time with my husband just playing catch with a baseball or football in the yard. Now that they are away....my husband wants me to pick up the gauntlet and play catch with him. Heck, at first I thought it was odd but to tell you the truth, we have had a lot of fun and I have enjoyed getting back out into the yard to "play". Playing catch with a baseball is actually listed on MFP as an exersise too so I am having fun with my husband and burning calories at the same time!! I have also incorporation a 20-30 minute brisk walk during my lunch hour now that it isn't 95 degrees!!
  • RheneeB
    RheneeB Posts: 461 Member
    What is the deal here? This group has 137 members and only 7 weighed in for the second week. I was hoping this group would be an active one where everyone really wanted to support one another and receive support. I have joined other groups trying to find a real support group but this seems to always happen. Everyone starts out with ants in their pants and then suddenly hardly anyone is participating.
  • Losing2Live1989
    Losing2Live1989 Posts: 423 Member
    Right now I'm under stress and can't seem to think about tomorrow. I just want today to be over with. My hubby is letting his friend/ex brother in law stay with us...what was susposed to be a couple nights has turned into a week. And we still aint got no date of when he is leaving. He has came in and took over. He don't care what he says. I'm stressing and its taking a toll on my health. Gotta get my butt back into gear!
  • jennifermaffei17
    What is the deal here? This group has 137 members and only 7 weighed in for the second week. I was hoping this group would be an active one where everyone really wanted to support one another and receive support. I have joined other groups trying to find a real support group but this seems to always happen. Everyone starts out with ants in their pants and then suddenly hardly anyone is participating.

    Stick with it. I'm helping to get people participating more and getting their weights written down, etc. It will pick up. Don't give up on the group. You'll be glad you didn't very shortly, I promise!!
  • Journey2Heaven
    Journey2Heaven Posts: 45 Member
    What is the deal here? This group has 137 members and only 7 weighed in for the second week. I was hoping this group would be an active one where everyone really wanted to support one another and receive support. I have joined other groups trying to find a real support group but this seems to always happen. Everyone starts out with ants in their pants and then suddenly hardly anyone is participating.

    I have joined groups before and yes, that always happens. Of course everyone wants to lose weight, but the commitment of change is overwhelming for some. I am speaking from experience. i'm ready this time but in the past, I really wasn't. 137 is a lot of people. I think in the long wrong, we will benefit from a smaller intimate group.
  • babygurl8621
    Hello all!! I am doing the Biggest Loser Challenge on WII. As far as my diet, I'm trying to stay within my calorie limit. I have actually been below since I started tacking them on here because I am breastfeeding but not eating the extra calories, (which has not affected my milk supply). I start back work on Monday :( so hopefully I will be able to continue my progress but I suppose the high speed PT I will be doing every morning...at 0630am ....(sux)will help a little. I just had a baby in July and only get 6 months to get back in shape (I spent 2 months on leave so 4 left). I did good to get back in my uniform lol.
  • RheneeB
    RheneeB Posts: 461 Member
    What is the deal here? This group has 137 members and only 7 weighed in for the second week. I was hoping this group would be an active one where everyone really wanted to support one another and receive support. I have joined other groups trying to find a real support group but this seems to always happen. Everyone starts out with ants in their pants and then suddenly hardly anyone is participating.

    I have joined groups before and yes, that always happens. Of course everyone wants to lose weight, but the commitment of change is overwhelming for some. I am speaking from experience. i'm ready this time but in the past, I really wasn't. 137 is a lot of people. I think in the long wrong, we will benefit from a smaller intimate group.

    I agree with you about a smaller, more intimate group. I have joined at least 6 other groups on MFP and within a week people started dwindling away and I have also found that in a really large group, most people don't really read what other's replied on a post so there is no encouragement to each other. Let's just commit to hanging in and doing our best to make sure our group establishes some great relationships. We all have our up days and our down days...our weeks of gaining and weeks of losing....there is a lot that we can do for one another if we pay attention and give of ourselves and not just watch out for ourselves!:flowerforyou:
  • Christinichka
    Christinichka Posts: 171 Member
    Hi everyone! I just joined this group. I will just weigh in on Saturday because I am not about to step on the scale right now (first day of that special time of the month...) But I am somewhere about 241lbs. My ultimate goal is 150lbs so I have quite a way to go. Summer 2013 I am going to be going to a family reunion with some extended family I haven't seen for 3 or 4 years now. And we're going to be taking family pictures and stuff, so it'd be fabulous to lose a good chunk of weight. I have been working out for the past 3 weeks, but only 3 or 4 days a week. I want to bump it up to 5 to 6 days. And I am finally figuring out the mfp app so hoping it will make logging my food easier.
  • titanium2012
    I pretty much did the elliptical almost everyday, and some weight training 3 days a week. This past week, I really focused on doing HIIT on the elliptical on the days I wasn't weight training. I feel like that really helped me. Last week, I was bummed that I had only lost a pound. This week, I lost 3! Therefore, I really think it's the intensity of the workout that really matters.
  • robinhoward123
    robinhoward123 Posts: 106 Member
    Sorry I haven't been on here lately. I've been putting the pool down I'm keeping myself busy. I am doing very good on exercising but still need to work on eating more. I have great news, I bought new pants they were size 22 and that was last year. This year I tried on some new pants and they are size 18 s. And let me tell you I was doing my victory dance in the dressing room. I want everybody to know to keep up the good work it pays off in the long run. have a great day
  • Journey2Heaven
    Journey2Heaven Posts: 45 Member
    Exercise is still my weakness. I just am so tired all the time. My treadmill is broken and that really was my best hope. I will continue to try and get more workouts in other than my walk some way, some how. I am doing well on the eating. I even made Reese's Peanut Butter Banana Bread this weekend for the family and didn't eat any...well, I did have a bite. i had to taste test it. :)
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