Week 1 Chat 9/15-9/22

Hello everybody! Hope everyone is doing great! I am going to be making a weekly 'chat section'.. Here you can give updates, ask questions, vent, whatever! PLEASE KEEP THE CHATTING HERE AND NOT IN THE CHECK IN'S, thank you. Just an FYI if you didn't already read, I will also be doing weekly Saturday weigh in's for those who are interested along with our main monthly check in/ weigh in.

Please message me at any time if you have any questions or would like some nutrition/exercise help. I want this to be a successful challenge for each and every one of you! Have a blessed week! Keep your goals in mind! Post them on your door, fridge, mirror, wherever! Stay motivated! Keep pushing!! Let's get fit for the holidays! The best gift we can give to ourselves, better health and a rockin' bod! GO GO GO ~~~~


  • rachcake13
    rachcake13 Posts: 7 Member
    I lost two pounds last week, which was my first week back on MFP. I was hoping for a little more, since I went from sitting on my backside all day, every day, to working out 4 days last week; but I guess this is a "sustainable" weight loss and I should be happy for anything!
  • Two pounds in one week is AWESOME!! Keep rocking it!!!
  • Jazznation901
    Jazznation901 Posts: 6 Member
    Good job @rachcake13! I lost 1.6 lbs last week AND I'm happy to say my favorite boots fit really well. The kind that almost reach your knees...yeah they were squeezing my poor calves to death and today they fit like normal. Yay!
  • Tisch1985
    Tisch1985 Posts: 107 Member
    @ rachcake13 Good job!! I 'm not losing at all but it will come!

    @ Jazznation901 Yay for you!!! Alway's nice is something fits! I got a blazer from my hubby for my birthday last week i never could fit in to a blazer but i can now!!

    Started C25K today and i'm happy to say it went very well. Kinda proud of my self. Never tought i would like running this much
    Started running about 3 week ago with my own plan but now i have a C25K app on my phone and i'm realy excited!
  • Hello!

    @Tisch1985 I started C25K a few weeks ago and I am loving it.

    I am down a half pound from when I first said I would join this challenge. I did not run last week because of the amount of school work that I have had piled on me. Hopefully this week I will be able to do both my school work and my exercising. Also I will be posting my results on Mondays because I weight myself at the scale at work. It isn't a good idea for me to keep a scale at my house, I become crazy about it. This is the first time that I have joined a group so I am pretty excited!! Good luck to everyone :smile:
  • DanceForever904
    DanceForever904 Posts: 611 Member
    about to go to the gym! hopefully i can stay awake!
  • _Tara_R
    _Tara_R Posts: 688 Member
    Hey everyone!! Soooo excited for this Challenge!! We can do this!! Hope everyone had a great Monday!! :smile:
  • klacount77
    klacount77 Posts: 270 Member
    Looking forward to this challenge. I actually gained back 1/2 a pound since I joined the group, so now have 20.5 pounds to lose to reach my challenge goal.

    I am ready for the change!
  • blonde20fan
    blonde20fan Posts: 233 Member
    Great job on the losses so far. I am definitely motivated and on track. I got in a Bob Harper DVD today and it kicked my rear for almost an hour. I ate great today too!! I am looking forward to making new friends to help me reach my goals and stick to my new lifestyle! Feel free to add me!!! Good Luck All!!!
  • Heather1604
    Heather1604 Posts: 4 Member
    I got in a workout and a tracked what I ate. I was 114 calories over but I have set my daily calories low, If everyday was like today I would be in very good shape for the challenge, unfortunately everyday, is usually not like today. Going to try to stay positive, I don't really feel like I am in this mind set yet!
  • violetcharms
    violetcharms Posts: 158 Member
    Hi guys!! I'm getting all excited at the prospect of a healthier me!

    When I started Power 90 I lost 7lbs in 2 1/2 weeks, but tw been stagnant since.

    I think I better get serious with my "clean eating". Any tips on how to stop craving for oily, salty foods?

    Good luck to all Xmas challengers ;)
  • violetcharms - I tend to crave oily, salty food like fries all the time. I have found that not letting myself get hungry helps. And if I am craving something super salty I try drinking a glass of water, some times when you crave salt you body just doesn't have enough water. Those two things help. Oh and pretzels are a salty food that isn't too bad for you! I munch on them :) Good luck with your loss!! :bigsmile:
  • Great to hear of everyone's early successes and commitment. It really helps keeps people motivated to see other's making it happen. For those people that haven't lost lbs yet or get out of the gate slow, don't lose the faith. If you need an accountability partner, friend me!

    Good luck!

    Mike H.
  • tlnurse
    tlnurse Posts: 229 Member
    Hi everyone. I had a good week last week and lost 1.8 lbs (after having gained 0.8 the week before!!!).

    I was really doing great with the work-outs. Have been doing C 2 5K and did an 1 1/2 hour kick-boxing work-out at the YMCA on Saturday.....and woke up Sunday with "Plantar Fasciitis"......ouch....very painful and hard to even "stand" on my heel.

    So, needless to say, my work-outs have been reduced:( Went for a walk tonight, but that's about all I can do as am going on vacation on Sunday and need to fully heal so I will able to "hike through a rainforest!!".

    Pray for speedy recovery and that I won't "gain" my weight back as I can't really do aerobics right now!:sad:
  • violetcharms
    violetcharms Posts: 158 Member
    @ktbkitten Thanks for the advice! I shall try pretzels! I find that my main issue is weak self-control. Noone to blame but myself for that! :ohwell:

    This is the longest I've been trying to get my life right, and my health on track so yay to me... And to all of us that are making that right decision! Woots...
  • melanielb73
    melanielb73 Posts: 35 Member
    Since my weigh in on the 15th I have lost 1 pound. Pretty excited. I need to take my measurements as well. I ate pretty well today and was under calorie. Trying to get exercise in wherever I can. I parked as far from building as I could- took my daughter for a walk. Really excited with this challenge to keep it moving forward. Great to see all the losses and motivation everyone has
  • Tisch1985
    Tisch1985 Posts: 107 Member
    @Everyone that lost weigt Good job keep it up!!

    I gainded 4 pounds sinds I started this challenge!!!! I know my colitus was playing up bad and my bowels are recovering now but serieusly 4 pounds!! I think i'm gonna cry!

    I will start tracking my food again because something is going very wrong!!!
  • EmmaGem76
    EmmaGem76 Posts: 38 Member
    I lost 2.2lbs last week too so excited for this challenge!

    My goal is to lose 14kg (30lbs) by Christmas :)
  • mylittleguys
    mylittleguys Posts: 25 Member
    Hi everyone, I have a question...I have two small kids (2 and 5) and work a full time job. My commute everyday is an hour on way. How would be the best way for me to get a great work out in.
    Here is my routine, In the mornings before anyone gets up I do 10 minutes. At work I walk 30 to 40 and when I get home I may get a chance to do about 20 to 25(tae bo or 30 DS). I do not know if I am really getting a good workout or not. I would like any help, please.
  • nicruns
    nicruns Posts: 201 Member
    motivation comes from strange places sometimes, eh??
    I went to a warehouse sale with my sister last month & fell in love with a pair of jeans
    they fit in the legs... but the waist is a couple of inches too small.
    (darn love handles!!)
    but I bought them anyway, & a mini side challenge of mine will be to fit in them before the year is out!

    (time to make crunches & planks my friends....)