Gluten Free Friends Needed!!



  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    I've had depression and anxiety issues all my life, as well as stomach and bowel issues. Of course docs always said it was from the anxiety. Also ever since I was young I would pick up every cold and flu out there and the colds would always turn into a bronchial or sinus infection. Found out my dad and first cousin have celiac disease so I thought I'd try going off gluten. Since I went gluten free last year, I rarely get a cold and if I do it's gone in a few days. My mood has improved so much it's absolutely amazing. No anti-depressant is going to do what going gluten-free has done. My stomach is abit better though I'm still finding there are a lot of different foods that bother it.
    To anyone here, feel free to add me. We can share recipes and other gluten-free eating tips, as well as encourage each other in our weight loss!

    That is my story. I was alway sick with every bug for 50% of the year. I kept a calander to show the doctor I wasn't being dramatic about the time I took of work. Now that I have been gluten free for at least 5 years, I maybe get one bug a year, and it doesnt turn into a secondary infection, like it always used to. It had gotten so bad that the receptionist at my doctors told me that he had a standing order to get me in anytime I called because I usualy left things too late. Now I hardly see him, being gluten free and healthy.
  • lorettarailing
    lorettarailing Posts: 4 Member
    I have been gluten free for several years. Took myself off gluten just to see if it would make a difference and it did. A big difference. Always trust your body and your intuition. You don't need tests you just need to stop eating gluten for about 24 hours to know. Finally talked my daughter into stopping gluten and her "symptoms" cleared up .... now she is working on her 15 year old son getting him off gluten and it is helping his concentration for school. Wheat has been so modified that it contains 90% more gluten than just 50 years ago ... also makes me an advocate for non-gmo foods and buying organic veggies. Do your own research. There is a ton of information out there that will help. Best of luck. you will do fine. There are lots of people here to support you. But most of all, have fun with it. Its not so hard. Just eat real food and stay away from grains that have gluten in them.
  • Mamacass13
    Mamacass13 Posts: 57 Member
    Anyone is welcome to add me - always looking for new gfree friends as well as weight loss partners - this sight has been great for both! I have been gfree for several years now and feel like an old pro. Steer clear of marinades, sauces, and seasonings as well until you have read and are comfortable with the labels!!! Gluten is hidden EVERYWHERE! I'm just now going to eat at a friend's house (this will make maybe my 4th friend's house) for dinner - it's a chore to teach others, but if they want to invite me for dinner, they'll do anything I need! :0)
  • rcaton3
    rcaton3 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm new to the GF too. 2 weeks and counting. It has opened my eyes to what has been going on with me. I am still learning the in's and out's. Reading the replies with what people have gone through makes me feel better, because I'm thinking, other people have some of the exact symptoms as myself, I'm not crazy! Just knowing I am not alone in this lifestyle change. I know someone that is doing GF, and when I started asking questions, she looked at me like I was nuts. I just assumed she was going through the same health issues as myself. Boy did I feel dumb! But I had soo many questions and to find a person who is doing GF less then an hour after being diagnosed, I all but pinned her up to a wall for answers! LOL> I would have never guessed some people just don't want all that wheat in everything, and it is a great change even for people who don't have a gluten intolerance. My life is changing and I'm getting better everyday!
  • Add me too. I have been GF since 2002 diagnosed a Celiac.
  • Feel free to add me. Iv'e been GF since May. All my symptoms have cleared up, my foggy brain, sinus pains aching joints, constant tiredness and a swollen belly after eating that used to make me look six months pregnant. I feel so much better.
  • mooglysmom
    mooglysmom Posts: 319 Member
    Anyone can add me too! I've been GF since Oct 2009, and I feel sooooo much better. I still get headaches though, but that's surprisingly unrelated now (jaw issues).
    Always told my tummy problems were anxiety too. Funny how that works! I DO have anxiety issues, but they are so much more heightened when I'm getting gluten.
    My head is clearer, but I'm sometimes worried I did permanent damage to my brain as I have severe problems with memory and concentration :/. Sometimes forming a clear thought and expressing it is VERY difficult. My mom has this issue as well, and I really wish she'd go GF as well, but she had a stroke a few years ago (at a young age) and can't quite get it.
    My symptoms that made me go GF were:
    head fogginess
    chronic pain/inflammation
    suspected fibromyalgia/arthritis (still have issues with this)
    allergy eyes (deep dark circles under eyes)
    trouble concentrating
    constant nausea
    chronic constipation
    severe fatigue (I would literally fall asleep standing up! I was beginning to worry about narcolepsy!)
    constant bloat

    Starting to suspect a corn intolerance as well, but I haven't worked up the courage to battle that demon yet :(. I have discovered that I am allergic to oats and buckwheat as well.
    My oldest is also anaphylactic to dairy, and so most of my meals are inherently dairy free as well. He's GF with me, and has Autism. Going GF was one of the best things I've ever done for him!
  • I need more friends as well, especially of the gluten free type. Found out I was allergic to gluten in June. Also found out I have Hashimoto's about 2 weeks ago. It's looking like I'm going to have to cut out the dairy as well because of reactions. I've really been having a hard time with it all so any support would be great!
  • gophils214
    gophils214 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi everyone!

    It was really interesting reading all of your GF stories! Anyone can add me, I was diagnosed with Celiac's when I was very young, so I've been GF for as long as I can remember. I can understand how frustrating and difficult it can be though as I often struggle with going out to eat because I always end up very sick for the next 3 days after.

    I am always completely gluten free (to my knowledge) and I know about an hour later if I have had wheat or not (nausea, headache, fatigue,etc.) So if anyone has any questions, I'd be more than happy to answer! And please feel free to add me, I'd love to include some gluten free friends to my list. I sometimes find it hard to relate to those who aren't gluten free because they don't know the "struggle", so to say. I've even had people say to me that it should be EASY for me to lose weight because I'm cutting out an entire food group....not so much!

    Anyway, I hope you're all having a lovely, wonderful, gluten-free day and I can't wait to "meet" all of you!

  • ahelland21
    ahelland21 Posts: 48 Member
    I actually just made the decision to try to go gluten free. I have had digestive issues for quite a while now, and am questioning whether they may be due to a gluten sensitivity... Because I have heard from so many other people what a difference they have noticed, I am going to try it for a while to see if it helps. As I am very new to this, I would also love to have some GF friends for meal inspiration, etc. Feel free to add me!
  • feel free to add me also,(that goes to anyone by the way it will be nice to have some fellow GF friends)im in the uk,was diagnosed coeliac about 3 yrs ago,single mum of 2 also. TC all Lydia
  • HealthyPr10
    HealthyPr10 Posts: 12 Member
    You can also add me. I have been gluten free for about 6 months
  • Gluten free AND vegan ... imagine that.
  • monicalosesweight
    monicalosesweight Posts: 1,173 Member
    I'm gluten free. I have a severe wheat allergy so I gave up all gluten products and feel way better. I had migraines, skin rashes and a number of other issues like cold symptoms. I'll be happy to encourage anyone and share ideas.
  • You can add me! I'd love to find some new gluten free/fitness friends. I found out I had celiac about 3.5 years ago and I've been gluten free since then. It's been tough but I feel so much better that it's worth it. Also, when I do eat gluten (accidentally of course) I seem to have flare ups of my rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia so that's even more motivation to stay away. Does anyone else feel like they should eat as much as they want just because there's so much they can't eat? I find myself overeating out of some irrational fear that I won't have other things to eat.
  • jnoring
    jnoring Posts: 93
    Hello! You can all add me. I found out I had celiac two weeks ago. This is very new to me, not eating wheat has not yet been a challenge for me. It’s more along the lines of finding things to eat.
  • I have been gluten free since the beginning of July. I also have 2 boys. It has been both a struggle and a godsend for me, as I now understand why I have been feeling like garbage for so long.
    I dislike how everything has gluten, but I am working my way around it. Please add me to your Gluten free group!
  • janessafantasma
    janessafantasma Posts: 312 Member
    I've been gluten free since July and its been an up and down sort of thing. I'm still adjusting to finding out I have gluten and wheat allergies. I had been dealing with almost a decade of constant body pain, migraines, memory issues, etc and since going gluten free almost all my symptoms have gone away, except for when I cave and eat wheat :(

    Feel free to add me!
  • Hello! Mostly wheat-free since about 2000, diagnosed with celiac in 2009.
  • JDwashere
    JDwashere Posts: 12 Member
    I have been diagnosed as having celiac since 2009. Which was a relief since I was diagnosed as being malnourished as a young child, anorexic as teenager and having IBS as an adult. Turns out all the doctors were wrong, I had celiac (by the time the biopsy was done all my villi had been wiped out). It is nice to see there are others out there struggling too, anyone can add me, it is good to have support :drinker: