Conquered my first Olympic

vtate75 Posts: 221 Member
Yesterday was my first Olympic triathlon, and I am pleased to say it went very well. I was SO nervous, and there are things I would do differently, but I did it, so I am thrilled that it is over. I managed to squeak in a few seconds shy of 3 hours, so I was thrilled with that. That time was good enough to get me 2nd in my age group...also thrilled! You can read my full race report on my blog ( if you are interested, but I'm not going to go into all of those million details here. I am just glad the first is over.

I am doing a "sprinternational" in 2 weeks, but I think that will end my season. I am planning on starting training for HIM soon. My goal is to do one in Charleston, SC in April and then to do the half ironman in Raleigh next June. I honestly don't know if I will be able to. I can't imagine being on that bike for DOUBLE the time of this one. The bike seemed to last forever. EEEKKK!


  • FierceFox81
    AWESOME!!! Congrats. How many tri's do you do each year? I'm new to the sport. Just did my fist "long" sprint this summer and I loved it! Next summer I'd like to do at least 2 tri's.
  • csm1021
    csm1021 Posts: 13 Member
    Congrats and nice report!

    I did my first sprint tri this summer and now I'm hooked. Planning my schedule for next year (3 to 4 events) with my training buddy and we are considering doing an olympic distance. My fear is the longer run, her's is the swim... So I guess we have the winter to train since our tri season in Wisconsin is short.
  • symegeer
    symegeer Posts: 143 Member
    That is so fabulous, congrats on 2nd place! You really earned it with all your hard work :D
  • scott091501
    scott091501 Posts: 1,260 Member
    Under 3 for your first Oly is AWESOME.

    To ease your mind a bit I found the jump from sprint to Oly more daunting than Oly to HIM. Once you get to HIM the swim is just about the same and the bike and run is more about nutrition and pacing. You need to know how to fuel your body for 6 hours give or take and how to keep your pacing in check so that you don't overcook the bike.
  • 120weeks
    120weeks Posts: 242 Member
    I'm very proud of you. You did pretty amazing. Congrats on your 2nd place win! I did my first Olympic last Saturday and while I didn't conquer it, I, like you, am so glad it's over and so very proud of myself for taking this challenge on. I really learned a lot with this distance and want to apply my hands-on education to more next season :)
  • Cgirlish
    Cgirlish Posts: 263 Member
    awesome, you can do the half Ironman too ... April is early in the season do you live somewhere warm ?? or you doing some indoor training thru the season...

    I am planning on doing HIM in Racine which is in July, will be riding bike on trainer thru winter ...
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    Congratulations!!!! Great accomplishment and awesome time!
  • TriClaudia
    TriClaudia Posts: 51 Member
    Congrats! And 2nd in your age group is fantastic for the first time at that distance. Pretty amazing actually. I know you'll do great with the HIM as well!
  • sonyachan
    sonyachan Posts: 518 Member
    You are seriously speedy! How freakin awesome to do so well! I know you'll nail that half IM!
  • vtate75
    vtate75 Posts: 221 Member
    AWESOME!!! Congrats. How many tri's do you do each year? I'm new to the sport. Just did my fist "long" sprint this summer and I loved it! Next summer I'd like to do at least 2 tri's.

    Thank you! I am new to it all two. This summer I did four sprints, the Olympic on Sunday, and I'm doing a "sprinternational" in 2 weeks. So, that will make six this season. My thought for 2013 is that I will do one or MAYBE two HIM, three or four sprints, and an Olympic. I'll have to really think about which ones to do since it gets quite pricey. I love racing, though. I also do some races (runs), so I have to factor that all in. I have a half marathon in a month that I am excited about.
  • vtate75
    vtate75 Posts: 221 Member
    awesome, you can do the half Ironman too ... April is early in the season do you live somewhere warm ?? or you doing some indoor training thru the season...

    I am planning on doing HIM in Racine which is in July, will be riding bike on trainer thru winter ...

    I live in Columbia, SC. It is warmish here in the winter, but it really varies year to year. Last year was super warm, but some winters we will have months in the 30s and 40s before we get back to warm. Summers are SUPER hot. April is early. It is in Charleston, SC, so that means the water will be frigid in April. I am assuming I will need a full wet suit for that one. Right now I only have a sleeveless one. But, by April it should be warm enough outside to make for a nice run and ride. I swim year round in an indoor pool, but I hate to bike indoors. If it is a cold winter, I may have to become close with my bike trainer and just get over it.
  • vtate75
    vtate75 Posts: 221 Member
    Under 3 for your first Oly is AWESOME.

    To ease your mind a bit I found the jump from sprint to Oly more daunting than Oly to HIM. Once you get to HIM the swim is just about the same and the bike and run is more about nutrition and pacing. You need to know how to fuel your body for 6 hours give or take and how to keep your pacing in check so that you don't overcook the bike.

    Thanks for that information. It makes me feel better. I certainly have to work on nutrition. I am very bad at that. I took nutrition with me to do during the Olympic, but I didn't take it. I had water throughout, though. I realized in the run that I needed it. I was really dragging. My run time ended up being pretty strong, but I didn't feel well during a lot of it, and I know that was because of a lack of nutrients. I'm working on learning about that.