What did you take when you had a cold?

chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
I've had a pretty bad cold that started Sunday. I really don't like to take anything, but I've been very miserable and it's difficult to sleep and keep caught up on school and work. I did buy halls drops that aren't for cough but the defense ones. The doctor's office said I could take Tylenol cold or Robitussin and any throat lozenges and cough drops. I can deal with the runny nose and congestion but the cough is getting unbearable because of how much it makes my throat hurt.


  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    My Dr prescribed me claritin and some antibiotics and it helped pretty well!! And they say anything Tylenol..if I have trouble sleeping (which is a lot here lately) I take Tylenol pm..but only when I feel like I have to!
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    I think i have the start of a sinus infection. Would Tylenol Cold and Sinus be ok?? I have some at the house and my OBs office is closed the rest of the week :(
  • Rosered3333
    Rosered3333 Posts: 171 Member
    I took Tussin DM for the cough; your doctor should be able to tell you which cough syrup you're allowed to take. And get as much rest as you can! Being sick while pregnant SUCKS. Feel better!
  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    I had sinus issues/infections early on in my pregnancy and I used a neti pot and saline spray . Didn't make me feel 100% better, but it helped me breathe and took some of the pressure away.

    I don't know what you can take that is OTC, but make sure to watch your symptoms. My sinus infection turned into bronchitis and I had to take antibiotics.

    Curl up in your bed and get mega fluids!
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    I think i have the start of a sinus infection. Would Tylenol Cold and Sinus be ok?? I have some at the house and my OBs office is closed the rest of the week :(

    My doctor told me anything tylenol was fine, and the sinus stuff looked the best because it only had tylenol and one other ingredient, some of the cold things have many ingredients. You can also ask the pharmacist and look on safefetus.com to make sure
  • keyalus
    keyalus Posts: 40 Member
    My doctor gave me a nice sheet of what I was allowed to take for common problems this time. For colds the list includes: Sudafed, Robitussin (Plain or DM), Ocean Mist Nasal Sprty, Cough Drops/Gargles/Throat Spray (Cepacol or Choloroseptic) and Claritin/Zyrtec if allergy related.
  • maurierose
    maurierose Posts: 574 Member
    Yep, great posts above, I got the same "ok to take while pregnant" sheet, very helpful!

    For a sore throat, what worked WONDERFULLY for me was gargling with very warm salt water. It did more in a day and a half than all the rest of the stuff I tried.
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    All natural remedies here, but I swear by them, pregnant or not. They have kept us away from antibiotics for...I dunno...years now.

    We start most of these at the first signs of a cold--scratchy throats, runny noses, etc.--along with fluids, rest, and cutting out all sugar. I don't wait around to see if it's going to turn into something--I nip it in the bud. Here are a few of our favorites.

    At the first signs of a virus--elderberry syrup is a good antiviral. It cuts the duration of our colds down to a few days rather than weeks.
    Lemon balm tea is also good during viruses.

    Echinacea in tea or tincture form. If we have sore throats, we squirt echinacea tincture directly onto the backs of our throats.

    If it looks like the cold is starting to "take hold" and turn into an infection--raw garlic. I'll make a batch of hummus with 4 cloves and eat it with raw veggies (over the course of a day or two), or I've even taken a clove cut into 3-5 small pieces and swallowed like pills.

    Steam, either with chamomile flowers, peppermint leaves, or drops of eucalyptus eo. (If you don't have jars of herbs sitting around on your counters :wink: , you can find straight chamomile or peppermint tea on the tea aisle.) I put a handful in a big bowl of steaming hot water with a towel draped over my head and around the bowl, breathe it in til it starts cooling off, then blow my nose til I get all the junk out. Followed up with strong peppermint tea, steeped at least 20 minutes. Steep it while you are "steaming" (if you have high blood pressure issuses, be careful with the peppermint tea. It can sometimes raise BP. But then, so can lots of OTC stuff.)

    Ginger tea for upper respiratory junk, coughs, sore throats. Grate about 1 inch of a ginger root, boil and steep for 20-30 minutes, strain, add honey (preferrably raw, local) and lemon.
  • Aeriel
    Aeriel Posts: 864 Member
    I try and avoid everything during pregnancy if I can, other than throat lozenges. I usually drink peppermint tea with honey for a sore throat and lemon tea with honey for nasal congestion. The salt water gargle does help for the sore throat too, but I hate the nasal flushing! LOL I never got a list from my doctor about anything that is safe to take, so that is why I err on the side of caution.