Let me introduce myself to the group

Hi, I'm not new to Mfp, this is a brand new journey that initially started 6mths ago, but was derailed by many things this summer.
All positive support is more than welcomed, and will be returned 10 fold. I'm 43, work full time, just enrolled in school part time for education..whew! I'm recently single, and have no children, Love to hang out with my friends who are all slimmer, and we eat too much, and drink..umm..alot...sometimes,LOL! Feel free to add me, my previous page kinda felt like a facebook page, not much health and fitness talk, so I'm looking for more fitness and health and support talk this time, of course we'll chat, but the fitness and support are really key. :O)


    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    WELCOME!!!! Love my wine and cheese, but i am trying,, sigh,,,,,,, i shall add you! YOU CAN DO IT!
  • marlad33
    Always looking for fabulous and 40 women for support. Sent friends request
  • fattypattybinger
    I am not a big drinker but one way to avoid drinking is be the driver. Water or diet coke. I get a buzz to easy so I just avoid it. Once or twice a year I drink a glass of Wine and that makes me happy.
  • fattypattybinger
    52 here with two grown kids. Thought I was done with raising kids. I got remarried he wanted babies lol I know have a 11 year old son and a 9 year old. I am going to lose 38 more pounds. I am off to a great start.
  • ROWinCO
    Just found the group! I too enjoy a drink or two, but moved to a new state and have not made any new friends that enjoy this. So I have found it easy to avoid drinking. However, I hate cooking and find myself eating out one too many times during the work week. I work full time and have a 15 year-old at home. Together we are trying to change this, but it gets more difficult as the work week drags on!!!
  • mslisatm
    mslisatm Posts: 154 Member
    Hi! We sound very similar (although I have kids) I have about 25 to lose. I love eating and drinking and have found a few ways to keep the fun going in a more healthy way! I'll add you! ~Lisa