How to Change Notifications so we don't get overwhelmed!

Cowboss1 Posts: 24 Member
Okay, I'm thinking that we all need to look at our settings and turn off some of the notifications. It's acting like Facebook and announcing everything. This is what I did, but choose your own preferences:

Go to: MY HOME > Settings > Automatic News Feed Update Settings

Uncheck anything you don't want others to see. Like if I post on Gail's profile, we don't all need to read that.
I checked three boxes -
* I create a new topic on the message boards
* I create a new blog post
* I have lost weight

I wanted to post my workouts too, but with all you marathon runners, I feel like a wimp.

Also, I made it so only My Friends can see my Profile.
Go to: MY HOME > Settings > Profile Privacy Settings
And check My Friends Only


  • Cowboss1
    Cowboss1 Posts: 24 Member
    Oh, also I noticed there is no way to delete a Discussion. So use caution. I really hate that Stewy is Reining her motorcycle, not RIDING it!
  • Flgirl02
    Flgirl02 Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you my email was getting blasted
  • LOLOL...I wondered about Camilla reign a harley. I really didn't know it was a typo. Hahaha, I'm an idiot. Thanks for the info. on changing the settings, my email was getting blasted too.
  • Cowboss1
    Cowboss1 Posts: 24 Member
    Yes, and turn off the email notifications too! Wow that was a lot!!!

    MY HOME > Settings > Change email address/email preferences