What doesn't have protein in it?

I'm over 3 in protein but still have 494 calories to use.


  • rubyboodog
    Candy, fruits, veggies. Personally, I'd go with candy, lol.
  • 2stews
    2stews Posts: 5 Member
    I know, rite?????
  • Cowboss1
    Cowboss1 Posts: 24 Member
    ...mmm...did someone say candy.......mmmmm!
  • Tam861
    Tam861 Posts: 4 Member
    flgirl, ALL meat , fish,eggs are almost all protien, dairy, cheeses, soybeans, yogurt, beans, legumes are protien, & carb some fat combo, Butter and oils lard, are fat. and white veggies, potato, rice, pasta , sugars honey, are simple carbs, most veggies, and fruit are complex carbs. There are exceptions to all the rules, but thats the basics. When you see that something has a certian amount of calories, the total should equal protien--# of grams X4, carbs # of grams X 4, fats # of grams X9 = the total amount of calories of that item.