Week of 9/20 how are you doing?

newhabit Posts: 426 Member
Just wondered how we are all hanging in there? When is everyone's next weigh in or measure in? I am hoping to see a loss this week. I was hoping to be 2 lb lower than where i was when i started 2 weeks ago so we'll see if I get it! I feel hopeful, as i've stuck to around 1600-1700 calories most days which is a small deficit for me.


  • Doing pretty well, thanks for asking. I weigh in with a Biggest Loser team on my job every other Friday, tomorrow being my weigh in day and I'll use that same weight for my weigh in here on Tuesday. I recently got a bike and have been biking around the neighborhood in the mornings and I find that I absolutely love it! I could be doing better on the food front... have not been getting all the calories I need, but I'm going to find some sample menus and download them so I can get a road map to at least 1200-1300 daily. Good luck to all! Happy losing! :flowerforyou:
  • I was doing fine in the beginning of this week but I've fallen back into old habits. I'm still trying to hang in and will devote the rest of this week to going to the gym and watching what I eat.
  • cmg4721
    cmg4721 Posts: 623 Member
    I'm doing well in the mornings and while I'm at work, but it's after work when I get home when I stop logging and just eat whatever I want. I really need to dedicate myself to stop doing that lol. Then I have exercised most mornings this week, which I haven't been able to do in awhile, so I'm feeling good about that!!! I hope you all finish up the weel on a good note!
  • bwatt11
    bwatt11 Posts: 21 Member
    Good morning! Happy Friday!!! I've been doing ok. Not great, but not horrible. I took a nice walk yesterday at lunchtime and went 1.01 mile. Today I am going to try to double that. Also plan on cleaning up my bike and finding a nice trail to ride on Sunday. I weigh in on Mondays. Hope you all have a great weekend :)
  • animabella6
    animabella6 Posts: 4 Member
    Had a fairly good week. Had to do a bit of traveling which caused me to skip meals, but still managed to net a nice loss for the week. Mostly water weight though. Hope everyone has a great weekend!
  • This is when I get discouraged.... I did perfect Mon-Fri afternoon then weighed myself Sat morning and I was the same as what I started at the week before. I say why bother and had a cheeseburger, fries and a couple beers for dinner last night. I biked this morning and started the day good food wise but my motivation is faltering. I don't care if I only go down .5 a week as long as it is slowly in the downward path
  • Tomorrow is a new day. I'm ready for another day of exercise! I hate that there's not much to eat...I have to wait until payday but luckily, I still have fresh spinach and talapia.
  • wiggywompus
    wiggywompus Posts: 65 Member
    Doing okay.Lost a pound nice even 9.5 st. Next goal 125lbs!

    Rather a hectic lst week so not very good at logging, but managed zumba and riding and eat well.
  • wiggywompus
    wiggywompus Posts: 65 Member
    Do you measure waist/hips etc as well? Sometimes weight stays same but inches go!!
  • onebluesock
    onebluesock Posts: 19 Member
    Had a free-for-all week of food and so I didn't have a loss (duh!). My stomach also feels terrible from the unhealthy food I did eat. I am ready to try again!
  • DreamerZenko
    DreamerZenko Posts: 59 Member
    Doing kinda bad. I was kinda good this week until my boyfriend, close friend, and I went to a place to get thin crust pizza. Got a large plain pie with intentions of only eating two or three slices. Ended up eating the whole pie because I was really hungry. Then our walk afterwards ended way too short by rainy weather. I probably screwed up weeks of work.
  • This is when I get discouraged.... I did perfect Mon-Fri afternoon then weighed myself Sat morning and I was the same as what I started at the week before. I say why bother and had a cheeseburger, fries and a couple beers for dinner last night. I biked this morning and started the day good food wise but my motivation is faltering. I don't care if I only go down .5 a week as long as it is slowly in the downward path

    Bluedrink: I SO feel you on this. I know we have a weekly weigh in with this group, but it may be a good idea to put he scale up for a week and weigh in every other week instead. I had to do this for a while in the beginning to get up the gumption to keep going no matter what the scale said. Good luck to you I KNOW you can do it!
  • abiasemani
    abiasemani Posts: 7 Member
    Well It's coming off very slowly it didn't help that I was sick over the weekend and couldn't be as active as I wanted. Also I ate a lot of comfort food but still tried to keep in with the calorie allowance and didn't go over. Even though I lost a few pounds since I joined MFP I haven'nt seen any significant changes on the Waist/ Hip measurements. i like to loose 2 inches off my hips and waist.
  • I am up 1 pound. Appropriately I am once again "starting over"
  • newhabit
    newhabit Posts: 426 Member
    This is when I get discouraged.... I did perfect Mon-Fri afternoon then weighed myself Sat morning and I was the same as what I started at the week before. I say why bother and had a cheeseburger, fries and a couple beers for dinner last night. I biked this morning and started the day good food wise but my motivation is faltering. I don't care if I only go down .5 a week as long as it is slowly in the downward path

    I tend to do this same thing. It's self sabotage... you know what i've noticed is i weigh more on the weekend right before my period and then the weekend right before ovulation. that is why my weight goals are every 2 weeks, i only take the weigh in seriously right after TOM and right after ovulation. i know they will be higher before those two events so i dont' really "count" those weigh ins. one thing i would suggest that has helped me is to look at when your cycle is and even though we are doing weekly weigh ins, don't take those as seriously that fall right before TOM or ovulation. maybe then you will just say "ok so it's the same, no big deal because i expect to gain a few lb of water weight then anyway"... maybe it will help you to not overdo it if you feel like there is no result... also when you start a new exercise you can gain water weight in your muscles too, esp if they feel sore.