Weekly Check-In



  • betsym3
    betsym3 Posts: 353 Member
    I've had a bad week and gained 1.4 lbs since last week

    Weight on 8/29/12: 182.6

    I had dinner with my husbands family, my anniversary on Monday, and went off with hubby yesterday. I'm on vacation and it shows. lol I promise myself I'll get back on track starting today!

    Everyone have a good week!
  • betsym3
    betsym3 Posts: 353 Member
    Great job movn4ward Keep up the good work!
  • Well, this ain't a "Weekly Check-In", more like a "Monthly Check-In".

    Proud to report I've lost 7.7 lbs during August. My goal for September is 5 more down. I try to walk to my office every day, and counting calories. I do treat myself with some snack during weekends, but still try to be close to my daily cal-intake.

    I'm one of those people who can't help herself: I do step on the scale EVERY SINGLE MORNING. That should be another goal for September; only weigh-in once a week :)

    Wishing all members of "New Year's In July" a good September!
  • betsym3
    betsym3 Posts: 353 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I had a good weight loss week this week. I lost 1.6 pounds after gaining the past week.

    Weight on 9/5/12: 181

    IdunAbelone: I have started weighing myself only once a week, and found that it does keep me from obsessing about the daily ups and downs with the scales. Sounds like you're doing great with your weight loss. You must be doing something right! Congratulations!

    Hopefully, other people start posting soon. It would be too bad to not stick to this New Years challenge. We can all do it together.

    Have a great week everyone!
  • movn4ward
    movn4ward Posts: 69 Member
    Hi All!

    I got way off track and haven't been using MFP like I should have. I just wanted to touch base with everyone get some insight on how everyone is doing.

    I have not lost anymore weight and am upping the intensity of workouts since the calories have not helped.

    How's everyone?