Mini Challenge 9/24/12

BigDnSW Posts: 641 Member
Join me this week??? A little late notice, but this week I have committed to two workouts a day at least 20 minutes each. I am not buying cals to eat more, just wanna hit the next plateau I am approaching per weight and inches. You are my food and workout partners (with SW). Who wants to go for it????

This is not a contest. Monday thru Saturday this week. Do it your way, your style. Enjoy and after the week, post results if you want on Sunday. Thanks!


  • kittzle
    kittzle Posts: 190 Member
    My committment for today....
    20 minutes - Walk back road from plant to corporate office
    20 minutes - Wii Dance game at home (yes, I have decided it will be the Smurfs one)
    BIRDIEBL8 Posts: 155 Member
    Ok I'm in -work out #1- 30 min hike thru the woods by BGO. plan on some strength training later. (My challenge is 2 work outs befor work but will go for it)
  • kittzle
    kittzle Posts: 190 Member
    Since it won't let me edit my previous post.... I'm finished for today!
    Got a 20 minute walk in at work then went to check on a friends kitty and turned on her Wii and put in 20 minutes of Just Dance. Now my feet officially ache from doing this in flip-flops, but I've accomplished day 1!!!
    BIRDIEBL8 Posts: 155 Member
    2nd work out- aerobics with 3# weights, 30min- now time to curl up with a good book!