How G-Free are you?



  • fittyfittybumbum
    When it comes to food, I'm 100% G-Free bc I'm intollerant. Occasionally I do talk myself into having one slice of pizza from Pizza Hut, but I pay for it heavily later.
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I only went wheat free since last year as I read something about people with hypothyroidism have difficulties processing wheat and often also having nut allergies. As I already had a nut allergy I decided to eat less wheat at first. so got a wheat free bread and picked cereals that were wheat free..aotibix instead of weetabix, oats, rice krispies. I made one exception and had asmall ready made yorkshire pudding on sunday with dinner.

    This worked great and lost loads of weight when I 'finished my diet' as I'd stalled and wasn't losing anything anyway I had treated myself to a cream bun and some toasted muffins and I couldn't stop sneezing afterwards. Had to take some anti-histamines. Recently its also happening when had cereals like Rice Krispies and coco pops (mixed together in one bowl) and oats for breakfast.

    I don't know if this means I should go completely gluten free? I didin't know it was in shampoo! I thought gluten was in flour and made bread more stretchy? why would it need to be in shampoo???
  • mooglysmom
    mooglysmom Posts: 319 Member
    100% gluten free. I can't have even a little bit or I'm miserable. This is an all or nothing kind of thing.

    I'm non-celiac gluten intolerant. Though, what another poster mentioned about a spectrum of Celiac makes TOTAL sense to me!

    Oh, and yes, you have to check EVERYTHING. I got so sick from some hand sanitizer once! Wheat was a primary ingredient!! It was from Bath and Body Works, I actually called and complained, lol. What purpose does that have?!?

    I now use a totally free & clear shampoo because I have had so many issues with shampoos and conditioners. I have dealt with an itchy scalp for as long as I can remember. It's gone now! Same with soaps.