9/26/12 - Wednesday rest day

JacciSimms Posts: 212 Member
It's a rest day for me today, so I'll be doing my kettlebell workout. What's everyone else up to today?


  • Hi,

    Have you tried Art of Strength Kettle bell workouts? They are so good. My favorite is Fire Power. Which one are you doing? Enjoy!
  • JacciSimms
    JacciSimms Posts: 212 Member
    Never heard of that workout, but I will check it out on CollageVideo.com. I'm doing the workout that came with the kettlebell.
  • JacciSimms
    JacciSimms Posts: 212 Member

    Have you tried Art of Strength Kettle bell workouts? They are so good. My favorite is Fire Power. Which one are you doing? Enjoy!
  • JacciSimms
    JacciSimms Posts: 212 Member

    Have you tried Art of Strength Kettle bell workouts? They are so good. My favorite is Fire Power. Which one are you doing? Enjoy!

    Shoot, I didn't do that right the first time :embarassed: Ok I'm on the website. Which one should I start with?