Vitamins, Minerals, Supplements

Has anyone taken any VMS to help with weight loss?

Always seems a bit of a con to me and I like to think we can get all we need from our food but interested to know if anything has worked for anyone.

I have to take drugs every day for thyroid issues which is bad enough, not sure I want any more pills rattling inside me but keen to hear what has worked for people.


  • moreORless50
    moreORless50 Posts: 261 Member
    i take a vit B complex
  • heidibannister
    heidibannister Posts: 22 Member
    have you always taken it or just while dieting, what's the reasoning behind it and what results have you had?
  • luna16belle
    luna16belle Posts: 47 Member
    A friend of mine suggested I take a magnesium supplement, so I picked one that had all sorts of other goodness in it too (like iron and various vits) I was feeling unwell and he said it'd help with my symptoms.

    I do try to take vits because not only am I a picky eater, I'm also worried about what I put in my body sometimes. When I'm in "binge mode" it doesn't matter, but when I'm in "restriction mode" I tend to fear food. So this helps me out a bit.

    Better to have a little bit than none at all! :)
  • dididede
    dididede Posts: 61 Member
    Ooops now you mention it I think I must be some kind of supplement junkie lol! Nothing for weight loss specifically, but I must confess I do take milk thistle which helps liver function, ginkgo to improve my memory/brain, Korean gingseng to try and resurrect my libido (not working so far) cod liver oil and a multivitamin.

    I've sort of got into the habit of taking a pill at the start and end of each meal and whether its placebo effect or not, I do feel generally better on them than off.

    As for weight loss pills, I had a go with the Alli fat binder pills but ended up throwing them out (at £50 a pop this was not something I did lightly) as the side effects were just not good. Not good at all.
  • heidibannister
    heidibannister Posts: 22 Member
    you must rattle. That's a lot of pills. Great that it makes you feel better, I've never got there with it and always forget to take them, interesting that some foods don't have as much as we'd expect.
  • sarouk
    sarouk Posts: 9 Member
    Hmmm, like many of you I take a couple of supplements, mainly prophylactically ("just in case"). I do however know that coenzyme Q10 is said to help energy release and therefore might help a little in conjunction with a diet/exercise program. On the downside it is a little pricey and I think you have to take it for a little while for levels to gradually build.

    "Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a substance that' s found naturally in the body and helps convert food into energy. CoQ10 is found in almost every cell in the body, and it is a powerful antioxidant."

  • PurpleTina
    PurpleTina Posts: 390 Member
    Nothing for weight loss, but Vitamin B complex to combat PMS. Trust me, it works ;)
  • LDragonfly1980
    LDragonfly1980 Posts: 22 Member
    I have thyroid issues too and was advised by my doctor to take multivitamins with minerals as the iodine, b12 and vit D are essential to a healthy thyroid :o) started taking them today