Hot By Halloween Week 2!!! *must read*

xYumzx Posts: 953 Member
Yay! Were moving into week to how is everyone doing so far, and changes since the challenge has started? Im trying to think of a challenge for everyone this week but im still not sure what kind, feel free to leave some ideas.

I hope everyone leaves alittle comment about how their week went its also like a little sign in so I can see who is still with us. :)

Whoohooo for new beginnings!!!

<3 Colleen


  • Curvimami
    Curvimami Posts: 1,853 Member
    Im doing okay, havent lost anything, I dont think. Workouts have been slow, but eating has been better. Hoping October is better and I feel good about getting a costume by the end of the month :-)
  • RockinSkiBunny
    RockinSkiBunny Posts: 152 Member
    The scale hasn't moved. :( I'm trying!! I think I am just drained this week.
  • Pooj_K
    Pooj_K Posts: 45 Member
    The scale aint moving for me too.. Doing better on the diet and not so good on the exercise part.
  • statickey
    statickey Posts: 309 Member
    Doing great so far! Lost 2lbs over the weekend, still trying to be more active when I get home or early in the am! Fitby31 and I have made a pact to movtivate eachother and keep eachother accountable for working out in the mornings.
  • AmelodyAngel
    AmelodyAngel Posts: 152 Member
    Last Week/ this week has not been soo good thus far, but I plan on changing that tonight... I have not been working out or eating clean, but I have kept to small portions...... my daily schedule has been constantly changes which always throws me off, but I am back and focused! I really do want to be HOT BY HALLOWEEN!!!! and I ready to lose this belly budge :/
  • MD1978
    MD1978 Posts: 477 Member
    Keeping on with workouts and calorie goals..i'm going to try and step it up next week and add a couple days of upperbody strength training
  • jjoey8
    I am struggling to get my workouts in, but my calories have been good. Hoping to step up the workouts and get the scale moving!
  • Papayamaya5
    Papayamaya5 Posts: 45 Member
    hang in there everyone! you can't see results if you're not consistent so just keep working out, eating right, and you will get there!!! happy thursday xo
  • Jessihollie
    Jessihollie Posts: 9 Member
    This week has been super busy for me and I just haven't had the time for workouts. My calories have been okay but they could be better.
  • hollyrunner
    hollyrunner Posts: 31 Member
    Nothing has moved for me yet but doesn't mean it won't...I'm working hard and staying strong!! Hang in there all of you!!
  • LetsGoBlues
    My laptop broke a few days ago, so Im glad to be back up and running! Weigh in day is tomorrow so I will check back in and let y'all know :)
  • deadbambi
    scale has actually gone UP, but positively I think. My hip-bones are starting to poke out. :3 and my abs are defining a bit c:
  • chelseafxx
    chelseafxx Posts: 251 Member
    Doing well! Had to skip a workout because I was still really sore but definitely going to get a really good workout in today! Haven't been looking at the scale or measurements so don't really know about that but might go get 10 pound weights today!

    Keep going everyone! Positivity is key :)
  • _Dara_
    Week 1 was great. Could have been a little tighter on the diet side, but nailed all of my workouts. I swear, my biggest challenge is actually logging everything......I'm terrible at keeping up with my food log!
  • Fitby31
    Fitby31 Posts: 106 Member
    Doing great so far! Lost 2lbs over the weekend, still trying to be more active when I get home or early in the am! Fitby31 and I have made a pact to movtivate eachother and keep eachother accountable for working out in the mornings.

    Damn right we have!
  • ive lost 2 more lbs!! :)
  • allnaday
    allnaday Posts: 54 Member
    i guess if i could get into the post, i havent been kicked out yet........last week was rough but i think i'm back on track........thought i was going to be able to report a loss but as of this morning, i didn't have one........hoping it's just water retention..........i'm going tighten my belt, pull up my big girl panties and get this done. weight this am was 186.2
  • Morgan103084
    keeping up with my exercise as much as possible, but no change in two weeks feeling discouraged :( but i'm hanging in there!!
  • mybiketrip
    I've upped my running a little since the start, but last week I got sick and was forced to take a day or two in bed. I plan on getting back on track today! I've also started logging in my diary again.

    I wish you all luck!
  • LetsGoBlues
    Down 2lbs!!! :bigsmile:

    How is everyone else doing so far????