Check in 9/27/12

JacciSimms Posts: 212 Member
Good morning all. It's a new day to push play. Where is everyone? Check in and let us know what's going on in your neck of the woods. Another beautiful day on tap here in the DC area. I had an awful eating day yesterday, but today is a new day and I'm back on track.

JamirahMUA - Did your braids loosen up some? Did you do anything special for your birthday?


  • ShallaLovee
    ShallaLovee Posts: 341 Member
    Good morning Jacci! I pushed play today with HIIT 15 and Sculpt 30. I was so confizzled in HIIT 15 as it was my first time. It was a good short workout which is grand but I was like waaa? LOL Got a good sweat in a short period of time which was awesome! I did my workout early today. You know I usually don't do it until around 12 but I got up this morning and figured I would do it and walk later. What workout did you do today?

    & about your day yesterday. Hence "yesterday" it's alright its in the past just move forward and do better today. It's good your continuing on and not letting that get you down :) Your doing fabulous!
  • JacciSimms
    JacciSimms Posts: 212 Member
    ShallaLovee - Thanks for the words of encouragement. I have no idea what workout I'm doing today. I'm on week 2. I like the HIIT workouts. Yep, some of them are confusing, but I know the more I do the better I'll get. Good job getting your sweat in!!! I wish I could get up and workout, but I'm already getting up at 5am (not usually getting to bed until 11pm). I don't feel like it would be good to get up any earlier.

    Thanks again for your kind words :flowerforyou:
  • ShallaLovee
    ShallaLovee Posts: 341 Member
    Of course of course thats what I'm here for :) . And yeah if your not going to bed until about 11 don't get up any earlier your body needs its rest! I'm also on week 2. Like Chalene says "Schedule your workout." Make a time for it everyday instead of waiting until you feel like it cause it may never get done then your going to regret not doing it. I'm switching up my schedule a little because I have to train myself again to waking up early and working out so when I start school/work I don't have a hard time adjusting.
  • JamirahMUA
    JamirahMUA Posts: 113 Member

    JamirahMUA - Did your braids loosen up some? Did you do anything special for your birthday?

    My braids did loosen and feel good birthday was great...i didn't do anything spectacular...just went with friends and family to watch Sons of Anarchy! Thank you for asking! Today i did HIIT 15 & sculpt 30...i had to workout later today because i had to be to work at 8am. But i pushed play and i feel good!
  • ShallaLovee
    ShallaLovee Posts: 341 Member
    That's great! I bet you feel great that you got your workout in :) . I'm sore from my workouts still. It's like that Rest day didn't even matter but just getting up and moving your muscles make it feel that much better. Are you guys sore?
  • JamirahMUA
    JamirahMUA Posts: 113 Member
    I'm not really sore but i have that nice reminder of my workouts sometimes when i move a certain way or flex a certain muscle. That oh yea i got my *kitten* kicked during the workout feeling. I like it...means I'm doing my job!