New to the group!

stellcorb Posts: 294 Member
Hi ladies!
Happy to have finally found you all... I just started back to work from maternity leave and decided that I need to step my diet and excersise routine up but am having trouble finding the time and energy.
I've done this once before (Maxwell is turning 3 in 2 weeks!) but I hadn't been working out before or after.. I actually joined MFP when he was 9 months old and was able to lose 60lbs and establish some decent habits!
This pregnancy I stayed active and ate better so I only gained about 30lbs... but I've only lost about 12 and it's been 3 and a half months! I'm exclusively nursing so I'm not working with a calorie deficit... but I'm also out of the habit of logging every day.
Is anyone in or been in a similiar situation?
Looking forward to hearing your stories!


  • Well I had my son 3 months ago, and have only lost about half the weigh I put on. I gained a total of about 35 lbs. I started using mfp about 15 days ago and love it. Last week I did the cabbage soup diet and it worked great ( I would not suggest it though as you are nursing). I used it to kinda kick start my weight loss. Tomorrow I am starting exercise videos... I hope it will work. I have not started back to work, so it is a little easier for me. Maybe you could try the same every second day or night, it could be your " you" time..... Let me know!
  • stellcorb
    stellcorb Posts: 294 Member
    Thanks Jajalo! Good luck on your weight loss, it's good that you only gained 35lbs. My first preganancy I gained 50 and I was big to start with!
    I've been able to squeeze in my little 30-40 minute cardio sessions on the elliptical 5 mornings a week, but its difficult to get my happy butt up as early as I need to (around 5AM) to get some strength training or a longer cardio session or class. I know that I won't lose alot while I'm nursing so I'm giving myself time, but it's still frustrating...Post partum body sucks! I'm a bigger size without being that much heavier and my clothes all fit weird. Plus my chest is out of control... it's not easy to find a good sports bra in a size 36 DDD! That's actually one reason I haven't started running again.
  • Good luck and just keep up the good work..... I will add you as my friend so we can follow each other!!!! Postpartum body does suck!!! But the baby is all worth it!!
  • Hello everyone! My daughter turned 7 months old yesterday and I am still trying to lose the weight I put on. I am 5'10" and gained a little more than 100 lbs :( I have lost about 60 and want to lose another 40. My fiancé and I are going on a cruise at the end of November and I'd like to lose 15 lbs before that. We are also getting married soon but have not set a date! When I was nursing I didn't seem to lose too much weight, I really started losing after I stopped nursing when she was 4-5 months old. I am a stay at home mom- I think I need a little more motivation!