Introduction - Margie

My name is Margie. I'm a SAH wife and mother to a wonderfully skinny husband and 3 hard headed boys (ages 15, 10, & 1 year). I started loosing weight at the beginning of the year but had epic failure over the summer. I started the South Beach eating plan on Septebmer 17 and am awating my 30 Day shred cd.

SW: 308
CW: 252
GW: 150


  • Mini_Medic
    Mini_Medic Posts: 343 Member
    My name is Dana, I'm 21 and I work as a Paramedic. I live with my boyfriend and he is tall and lanky so it is hard to eat less and eat right when he can devour a large pizza by himself and I am munching on rice cakes and turkey sandwiches. I'm sure you all can feel my pain. My bf is very supportive and encouraging. I started out losing weight on my own by changing my eating habits and by walking and using the elliptical. I I had been working two ems jobs and eating a lot of waffle house and taco bell which inherently gave me high cholesterol at 20 years old. Since then I have really enjoyed my weight loss journey. I have mostly been doing a lot of cardio and very little strength training so I decided to try the appeal of the 30DS since it is only a month long and I want to start gaining muscle and tightening/toning up.

    SW 168
    CW 130
    GW 120
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Hi guys!
    My name is Lia. I took up running earlier this year but have realized that I have not been doing enough strength training. After looking at all the awesome "after" pics of people doing the 30DS, I thought I'd give it a committed try!

    Nice having a group of people who are also doing it at the same time! Good luck guys
  • bdenitto
    bdenitto Posts: 210 Member
    My name is Becky. I am currently on Day 2 of the shred but I thought it would be cool to join and do this with others. I have 89 pounds to lose. My husband and I are both committed to living healthier lives for our 1 year old daughter and for ourselves. I workout every morning at a local gym for one hour and I decided to do the Shred in the evening. I focus on cardio at the gym and I realized I need to add strength training into the mix. My sister recommended the Shred. She dropped 21 pounds and lots of inches. She said she cursed the entire time but she completed the full 30 days. She has challenged me and I need it!

    SW 270
    CW 249
    GW 160
  • Hey everyone! My name is Samantha (sam) and i'm 22 years old. I work as a Respiratory Therapist at a hospital in Minnesota. I stepped on the scale yesterday and realized I had gained 7 pounds this year! i realize that isn't a whole lot, but when you're already big, it's frightening. I have the Jillian Michael 30 DS already and I only made it through day two last time. I'm excitied to have the support of others behind me and to be able to support others. We can do this!:happy:
  • kathykt160
    kathykt160 Posts: 16 Member
    HI everyone. I'm Kathy and I have been doing the 30 day shred for 3 days - yes in row........I will need encouragement not to miss a day or two as I can always justify it.....anyways just for today i did it!!! How do get the calories burned?
  • My name is Joy. I started the Shred yesterday. I have not done strength training in a LONG time. I am sore but determined to do Day 2. Let's do this thing!
  • kirapewonka16
    kirapewonka16 Posts: 38 Member
    Hello everyone! My name is Kira and I recently got married! Last fall all of my concentration was on my workouts each and every day and my body changed into something amazing! I still had toning to do but the lowest I got down too was 155 which I was very excited about! Once I started planning for the wedding it took all my time away and I began to stress and when I am stressed I eat (something I am finally getting over). Anyways sad story short I have gained about 30 lbs since last fall! It is amazing how quick your body gives up when you are not pushing it anymore! I want to get back to that body I had last year and push myself even harder to be toned and healthy! I know I will succeed and there is nothing holding me back anymore! Good luck to everyone we can do this!!

    SW: 188
    CW: 185
    GW: 150
  • rae_rae330
    rae_rae330 Posts: 39 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Rachel. The end of last year I reached my lowest weight I can remember...157. I was so happy! Then I moved to North Carolina. After a couple months down here, I had gained 20lbs! I became a 'regular' on MFP about a month ago, but thanks to weekends, my weight loss has been like a yo-yo...lose 2 or more lbs during the week and put it all back on during the weekend. I borrowed 30DS last week from a co-worker and started it on Saturday. Sunday I was so sore I could barely move! I've only done it one more time since, but I need to step up to the challenge and stick with it!! Finding this group is exactly what I needed! I'm so glad to find people to support me and give me the push I need to not give up. I look forward to getting to know and helping all of you! WE CAN DO THIS!!
  • amyskretta
    amyskretta Posts: 1 Member
    Hey guys! My name is Amy and I'm looking forward to doing the 30-day shred with you all, and especially my sister, who roped me into this. :devil:
    I've been in school and working, and so I had put exercise to the back burner. Recently though, I realized that as busy as I am, it's not realistic to not exercise while I'm in school. So , here I am, trying AGAIN and at my heaviest weight ever. Looking forward to doing this together with your support.
  • Hey Everyone!!!

    I am Elizabeth. I have been on this weight loss journey for 18 months now and have lost and found weight along the way. I hit a plateau a while ago and I just started MFP in hopes to find some encouragement and inspiration from others who are also on this journey! I have tried the Jillian Michaels DVDs before and for the most part can keep going but I get board so I am hoping that coming to this group for inspiration will help keep me going! :heart:

    CW: 189
    GW: 145
  • Hi, my name is Sue, and am originally from Wimbledon, London. I've been trying to lose weight for ages, but need some drastic action to shift the "wobble". I've tried the Shred before, but lost motivation, so I'm hoping that we can all help each other here.

    SW 202
    CW 200
  • Hi, I am Tania from Australia, about 2 months ago I was on level 3 day 3 of 30DS. I then got the dreaded flu and stopped all exercise for 2 weeks. I started the shred again about 2 weeks ago and lost motivation as I wanted to use my time to train for a couple of fun runs I had entered into. The fun runs are now over and I am currently trying to maintain my weight and would like to tone up, which the 30 day shred definitely did last time. I plan to do 30DS, the ripped in 30 days for November as I am going to Bali (Indonesia) for my hubby's birthday and the Christmas break. I would really like to look good in my bikini - yes a bikini, while laying next to the pool. Looking forward to getting to know u all, toning up and getting some muscles!

    Starting weight: 62.9kg
    Neck: 32cm
    Waist: 72cm
    Hips: 96cm
    Biceps: 30cm
    Forearms: 24cm
    Chest: 86cm
    Thighs: 52cm
  • Timkoetta
    Timkoetta Posts: 70 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I struggle with making the time to exercise. I have a crazy schedule, I work and go to school and am a single mom, so it is tough but I HAVE to make time. I need accountability and I have been wanting to try the Shred so here goes! :wink:

    SW 178
    CW 171
    GW 130ish

  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    HI! Im Ashley, 26, stay at home mom. I've done 30ds once before and started it a few other times but never stayed with it. Im so glad I found a group of women wanting to do it too, I think I will be so much more motivated with other people going through it along with me! Feel free to add me, Im always on here!

    GW-180(for now)
  • carcona
    carcona Posts: 19 Member
    Hi I'm Catherine, made it thru 15 days of the shred last spring and then had some foot pain and used it as an excuse to stop. Ready to start over with my sister Tilly who will join this group as soon as I tell her about it b/c we were planning on starting oct 1 anyway.

    Here's my weight story...reached all time high last winter, made effort in Spring joined MFP and lost 11lbs, which I have kept off but weight has definately shifted over an inactive summer. Time to start losing again, excercising and eating healthy have a doctor's appt Nove 16th and my cholestrol has been an issue. So I'm excited to have the support and do the shred:) I will post my stats under that heading.
  • kiekie
    kiekie Posts: 289 Member
    Oops, posted all this on the stats thread!
    I turned 31 today and really want to make this the year I create a long-standing fitness habit and transform my body.

    I started the Shred a couple of weeks ago and got to L1 D6 before having to stay in hospital with my daughter and then getting sick myself (this is what has happened every time I've got a real flow going with my fitness regime this past year!). I really enjoyed the workouts and felt stronger each day, so I really want to get through the 30 days and see if I can get anything like the kind of transformations you see on here out of it.

    I'm going to be doing it 5 x per week but will probably spread out my days off, taking them on Wednesday and Sunday to give my muscles time to recover. I don't know if it's taking on too much, but I've scheduled out some additional cardio for the 30 days too. I'm going to be doing some Turbo Fire workouts (3 x week) and Zumba (1hr a week) to give it a bit of a boost. I'm also setting myself a 30-day healthy eating challenge where I'll try and curb my sweet tooth and get in the habit of planning and preparing more healthy meals and generally making better choices.

    I'm not bothered if I don't lose much weight, I just need to reshape my body and work on lowering my body fat and replacing it with lean muscle, so my goals are more measurement orientated.
  • :smile: Hi guys im 26 going on 27. i want to start this for me, i know its goona be a challenge but am gonna try me very best
  • oligracemom
    oligracemom Posts: 12 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Larissa. 43 year old mom to 3 kids, (11,9 and 6) and full-time teacher!
    My sister is getting married on November 17 and I have a beautiful bridesmaid dress as added motivation to complete the SHRED!
    CW: 138
    GW: 120-123 (hoping to be 130 or less by wedding day!)

    I actually just finished day one ...and I'm a sweaty mess right now! We can do this!!!! I'm excited to join you all. :)
  • soniabogonia
    soniabogonia Posts: 778 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Sonia. I'm 27 and hoping to lose about 45 pounds. I want to be lean and strong and look good in all my clothes. I want to change my lifestyle from avid TV watcher to avid sports enthusiast. I want to have energy and be adventurous with my hubby. I used to run long distance and it was easy for me, now my knees hurt because I put on about 60 pounds.

    Looking forward to completing this challenge to look great in all the holiday pictures!!! =)
  • Bella_DiVine
    Bella_DiVine Posts: 46 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Bella. Really looking forward to this. Since I had my second baby (20 months ago) I have done no exercise whatsoever. I'm really hoping that this will give me the push I need to get off my *kitten*.