checking in

Just thought I'd check in and see how you all are doing. The group hasn't had any comments in a while. How many are still checking in every day? How is your progress? What have you learned about yourself?


  • ceeegeee
    I had a good week and I have lost 71 lbs so far. I wasn't feeling good last week and didn't exercise as usual but I still lost. Hopefully I will do better with the exercise this week.
  • NatashaRuz
    I log in every day. I find the 'groups' a bit cumbersome sometimes...but am happy to be 'friended' by anyone who wants daily support :)
    I'm 12lbs down.....30+ to go. Slow and steady does it.
    Have been really enjoying running, and am really psyched that the weather is cooling down, so running won't involve dying of heat!
  • KristaWhee
    KristaWhee Posts: 15 Member
    I thought I better post on my own topic. I was waiting till after work today. I had a fabulous/horrible weekend, which resulted in a 2 lb. gain. That will sure be some motivation to behave myself this week and really kick it in gear. Also, I had a bad cold last week and that really reduced my exercise. I had a chance to see some family and friends over the weekend and unfortunately it revolved around going out to eat. I had a blast, but my "diet" suffered. I am really enjoying tracking my food and exercise. Also, following along to see my "friends' progress and encourage them on their journeys. One thing that I was surprised to learn was how much more I can eat now that I am making healthier choices (past weekend exempt). I used to not understand how I could be so overweight when I felt like I hardly ate, and was often hungry. Now with more produce and leaner meats, less dairy and carbs. I find that I am eating a higher volume of food, I am never hungry, and my calories/fats are so much less. Who knew? I have also learned that I actually LIKE exercising, especially that super strong feeling I get the next day. It just makes me want to do more. I have so much more energy, and I sleep like a rock now. Overall, I am DELIGHTED with MFP, my progress and all the ppl I have met here. Keep up the good work everyone!
  • msdani12
    msdani12 Posts: 132 Member
    Hey guys! Well, Thursday was my weigh in - I made it to ONEderland! when that 198 popped up on the scale - BEST feeling in the WORLD! I hope everyone else is successful <3
  • sareyezz23
    Hey guys, I've been slacking with my group lately I still check in and encourage people I'm friends with. Just been hectic with other things. Congratulations to everyone still losing and hitting your targets very proud! I've now lots nearly 23lbs still got a long way to go. But we all know slow and steady wins the race. Keep up the good work everyone! X