New Month; New Week -- Check in 10/1/12

JacciSimms Posts: 212 Member
Good morning ladies!!! Are we ready to rock this month? I know I am. Anybody have any helpful hints on how to stay on task during the holidays? Between now and the beginning of the year, there will be all types of opportunities to indulge. Let’s make it a priority to check in often and keep each other accountable. I made the most amazing crockpot vegetarian chili on Saturday. It should last a few weeks. I froze some and have some here at work with me today. My grandson helped me make the cornbread. He’s 6 and loves to cook. I have no idea what the workout is today, but I think JamirahMUA and ShallaLovee and I are on the same schedule. I did Fire 45 and Stretch 10 last night.

JamirahMUA – Sounds like you have an awesome time doing pole dancing. Are you sore today? You're going back again? You keep that up and you'll have a rock hard body in no time!! Amazing.

ShallaLovee – I’m sure you’ve enjoyed your sisters; but I know what you mean. I like having the house all to myself too.


  • JamirahMUA
    JamirahMUA Posts: 113 Member
    GM everyone! I hope you all had a great weekend! I did Fire 45 EZ& stretch 10 this morning. I wasn't really in the workout mood but i got up and pushed through! I don't really have issues with the holidays because i don't cook or particularly care for holiday food. I've been doing pretty good when I'm eating out...which is probably my biggest struggle!

    I loved the pole class it was such a great workout and it didn't feel like a real workout. I was just learning and then doing my own thing! I will definitely be going was so much fun. my arms and my back are pretty sore....i have the most soreness in my triceps!! Which is good because they need a lot of work!
  • ShallaLovee
    ShallaLovee Posts: 341 Member
    Good morning! I hope you guys are having a wonderful morning. In a bit I'm going to go do Fire 45EZ + Stretch 10. I slept in this morning because I just feel so tired. I'm still not fully awake right now. But I'm going to get to it very soon. Glad you ladies have or will be doing your workouts today!

    Jamirah- That shows some great dedication and commitment! Even though you didn't feel like doing it you did and I know you feel great that you got it over with. I'm glad you love that pole dancing class. It's such a great way to have fun and exercise. I'm really jealous LOL.

    Jacci- Aww, that is so cool I bet he loved that. Quality time with the Grams in the kitchen. I wish me and my gma wouldve been that way.. o.o Anyways I bet that Chilli tastes amazing! I never heard of Vegetarian style Chilli so thats interesting to me automatically. As far as the holidays I don't really celebrate them so I have no problem with eating around this time of year. It's like any other day to me. I would suggest just you know moderate everything. Have a little bit of this a little bit of that. If you go over on calories just walk or something after dinner.

    Ooh P.s. My mom and her husband brought Long John Silvers home last night and I was like no thank you. Then I looked at my calories and was like I need to be up so I thought about eating just one piece of fish. So I checked to see how many calories,fat,carbs and what not was in it.. I went down stairs and put a piece on a plate and dabbed it with a napkin and was turned all the way off! I couldn't believe how much grease was coming out of it so I put it back and came up stairs and took it off my food diary and had roasted peanuts instead. I really didn't want those either but I figured it was better than nothing. I'm amazed at how I've changed. If I was still that girl who went with the flow, not caring what I ate or how much I wouldve ate that and not thought twice about it but instead I actually thought about it. I don't really crave for anything which is surprising to me because I use to crave a few things every day but I have rarely eaten any junk food,fast food etc. since I started caring. I'm pretty proud of myself and I'm even more proud because I don't miss a single thing that people think I "gave up". It shouldn't have been in my life in the beginning. It only helped me get to where I am and now I'm changing that. I just wanted to share that :)
