Day 1 - Complete

lkellandmay Posts: 119 Member
Just completed day 1 of level 1
I feel great.
pushups are the toughest for me. I did "modifier" pushups and "modifier" side, ab lifts!

Still great. How about you. Which exercises do you find difficult? Or should I say MOST difficult?



  • shorview
    shorview Posts: 14 Member
    I just finished up day 5 of level II. Too many plank positions :-)! But it feels good to be done.

    (Also) Laura
  • twl900
    twl900 Posts: 122 Member
    Got done with Day 1 just a while ago. It definitely left me in a sweaty mess, but I felt great afterwards.

    I had trouble with a few of the ab moves-- the hollow man and the side ab lifts. I even found the modified versions of those tough, so definitely hope to improve on that as the week progresses.
  • housewife05
    housewife05 Posts: 3 Member
    Completed day one too! Im adding the 30 day shed with her two of dvds to do the 30day slim down challenage ..I feel good ..Ive done the dvd before put never stuck to it for 30 days..Id always combine it with something ..or switch it up because I would get bored..I think the hardest for me was push ups,and the jumps..and I sticked to my calorie intake and have 193 left..! Feel alittle hungry but Ill drink water and maybe snack on some veggies.. :wink:

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • I just joined so I will be starting tomorrow. Ive done the workouts before but I never get pass week 1.
  • StrengthIDidntKnow
    StrengthIDidntKnow Posts: 543 Member
    I completed my first round last night, worked up a nice sweat!! The ab section is definitely the most difficult for me. I reserved JM's Yoga Meltdown at the library but I am waiting for it to come in, will see how I am going to work it in.