Lovely!!! Other dancers. I am a ex dancer

sasssurf Posts: 58 Member
I miss my wee toned sculpted body. You guys?


  • QueenoftheWillis
    QueenoftheWillis Posts: 16 Member
    I'm not small enough to look like a dancer anymore :/ I wish I were but.. I'm not. I'm fat and I hate it. I look ginormous in my leotard. Ugg.
  • sasssurf
    sasssurf Posts: 58 Member
    How much is everyone wanting to lose. Me --35lbs.
  • I'm an ex-dancer, too! I want to loose 50lbs and I've already lost 15 of it. I definitely understand not looking gorgeous in your leotard!
  • klacount77
    klacount77 Posts: 270 Member
    I was a dancer for 18 years. I haven't danced in 14 years. Maintained my dancer body for 4 years after I stopped ... Then got pregnant with twins. I doubled in size. I just want to dance again. It is the main motivation I have for losing weight. Dancing was my life before kids. I want it back!!!!!
  • QueenoftheWillis
    QueenoftheWillis Posts: 16 Member
    It's awesome to see other dancers here :) Because I want to be a pro dancer, I want to lose about 20lb to get to 115 so I actually look like a dancer.
  • TheSpicyMermaid
    TheSpicyMermaid Posts: 279 Member
    I used to take it for years in conjunction with competitive roller skating. Just re-started for exercise and the awsomeness of it. I'm looking to lose about 15-20 pounds. I'll mainly keep it on the hobby level, but if something fun came up.. Who knows! I can do what I want! :D
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    Hey girls! I danced for 12ish years as a kid. My dad made me quit when I was 13. I danced again for a year when I was 16, and here I am at 28 just starting to go to adult ballet after 12 years. I go twice per week and I love it, and it's also my main motivation to lose weight. I would love to get onto pointe and possibly perform someday. We shall see! I have about 15-20lbs to lose.
  • maeliz12
    maeliz12 Posts: 1
    Hi, I'm an ex-dancer. I danced for 15 years seriously, until I went to college. I couldn't do pointe in college, so I haven't done that for about 5 years. In college, my metabolism really slowed down without doing crazy ballet all the time. I gained 40 pounds, and I'm hopefully on the path to losing most of that (lost 7 lbs so far!). I would love to dance again, but I'm not keen on going back to my old studio without losing some weight first.
  • anniep01
    anniep01 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I am an ex can can dancer, stopped when I had kids. I trained in ballet all my life until I stopped when I was pregnant. I now perform burlesque. About 4 years ago I started ballet class again to prepare for returning to stage as a burly performer. I am back up en pointe, quite strong (nothing like before though). I can get through an RAD Advanced 1 class in a respectable fashion but goodness because it is not a full-time thing, I am struggling to be as slim as I would like to be. It is definitely more difficult now than it used to be.