What's up today? Check in 10/2/12

JacciSimms Posts: 212 Member
Good morning all. What's everyone up to today? It's rainy and cold here in the DC area. I want to go home and get in the bed and read my Kindle Fire. I wanted some comfort food this morning, but when I checked the calories of some of the things I wanted to eat, I opted to have a chai tea latte and some multi grain chips intead. I have HIIT 25 and Stretch 10 tonight.

Where is everyone? Come on and check in with us.


  • JamirahMUA
    JamirahMUA Posts: 113 Member
    Gm...it's cold and rainy here in NJ also. I got up and did Low HIIT 25 & stretch 10 this morning. I hope everyone is enjoying their day!
  • ShallaLovee
    ShallaLovee Posts: 341 Member
    Good morning! Wow you both have that type of weather? Gee's it's pretty sunny here today which suprised me a little LOL. I know for a fact it's not warm but it's not very cold either which also suprises me because it's been really cold the past week. I did Low HIIT 25 + Stretch 10 also. Having a pretty good morning. I'm going to clean today and exercise as much as I can I decided I want to try to get up to 1000 calories burned a day. I'm a home body so it'll be easier for me to just get up and do something. Hope your day is full of awesomeness LOL. :)
  • JacciSimms
    JacciSimms Posts: 212 Member
    JamirahMUA – I forgot to mention that my family lives in NJ. I have a friend in Mays Landing. I take Route 206 to get there. It’s great that you can get your workout in early. I wish I could. Some evenings it’s a struggle to get up and push play, but I’m always glad I did.

    ShallaLovee – When you finish cleaning, please hop on a plane to DC and work on my garage!!! You got your workout in early too. That’s great. Do you count your cleaning as a workout? I don’t; though I did do a lot of scrubbing over the weekend; my triceps were sore!!!

    I’m glad you two are hanging in there. I find when I join these groups, the participation wanes real fast. What week are you guys on? I’m on week 3.
  • ShallaLovee
    ShallaLovee Posts: 341 Member
    LOL, and no I don't put cleaning as a workout but I see a lot of people do. If I clean thats good and even better when you lose calories but I don't really care for putting on my exercise diary. It's an everyday thing. I think we're all on the same page. o.o Yeah I think we're all on Week 3. Me and Jamirah do the same workouts and your on a different schedule but we're all in the same boat which is so cool. I can't believe I'm on week 3 though. It's like dang where has the time gone? Can't wait to see our progress at the end of week 4! :) exciting!