9 months post pregnancy, weightloss plateau

Cjumir Posts: 17 Member

I am struggling with the baby weight, although, after 9 months I guess it is no longer baby weight...

I put 30 lb during the pregnancy( from 115 to 145). I am 5'3.

I am currently 129 lb for a few months and I cannot seem to lose the weight... I think I eat well, once in a whle indulging, working out 4-5 times a week, mix of cardio and weights..

My goal is to grt to 120lb, so 9 lb.

What am I doing wrong?


  • stellcorb
    stellcorb Posts: 294 Member
    Maybe you could try changing things up a bit... a program like Insanity or P90X that pushes you a bit and does moves that your body may not be as used to.
    Also, are you happy with your size, but just not your weight? You're a small person in general, but maybe pregnancy changed your body a bit so your pre-pregnancy weight may not be as appropriate as it used to be. I know it's changed mine... but I've never been a very small person either.
    Insanity worked well for me when I lost after my first pregnancy, so maybe it will work for you as well
  • Cjumir
    Cjumir Posts: 17 Member
    Thank you for taking the time to reply!

    I will definitely try to change things around, especially in my diet...

    Perhaps indulging once in a while is compromising my results.

    I used to be petite, now I think of myself as average size.

    I just want to shape p, firm up and lose a couple of pounds....
  • lwoods34
    lwoods34 Posts: 302 Member
    I agree with the other post about possibly changing your routine! Sometimes especially if you are doing the same workout over and over again, your body will get used to it and eventually you will plateau because your body knows what to expect. Depending on what you are doing for your workouts, maybe step it up a notch or two on the intensity and see what happens. Also make sure that you are recording everything that you eat...make sure you are getting enough protein and watching the amount of fat, carbs and sodium that you are taking in. If you are going over your sodium, you could retain water.

    One more thing, make sure that you are eating enough not only to fuel your body, but to fuel your workouts....especially if you are working out at a high intensity you need to make sure that you eating enough calories.
  • Cjumir
    Cjumir Posts: 17 Member
    Thank you!
    Realizing that I am doing something wrong, I actually prepared the meals for the day logged them and made sure I have enough of everything. I will continue logging this way and thinking my day...

    As for the workouts, I mix: cardio, like Insanity, metabolic training like DeltaFit and weights - The Beast.

    It should change for me, hopefully...
  • 80lbslost
    80lbslost Posts: 93 Member
    I'm 5'3 and got up to 148lbs during pregnancy. I got back down to 116lbs in 4 months by exclusively breastfeeding, eating 2000cal/day and walking 15 min/day with baby. Are you breastfeeding and eating enough calories? My net calories are 1500 since I subtract 500 cal for breastfeeding.
  • Cjumir
    Cjumir Posts: 17 Member
    I am 5'3 as well, went up to 145 lb during the pregnancy and breastfed only for 3 weeks( could not continue, hurt breasts, baby crying and not getting enough milk, etc).
    Sso, perhaps this is a reason ...

    I started training 4 weeks after giving birth and 9 months after, I am still at 129...

    If anything, I firmed up, my body is toned and my abs are good.

    Just gotta trim this layer off me and get to 115 lb...

    Do you move a lot?
  • Cjumir
    Cjumir Posts: 17 Member
    So, hopefully I am on a 'losing' pattern.
    128 today..

    The challenge is to keep it off and keep on losing..