Workout Routines

Whether you are a hobby dancer or future pro, does anyone have any particular workout plans?

I'm 33, 5'1" at 147 pounds. I've been doing barre work at home with 1-2 classes a week. As far as eating, I am working on portion control and sugars. Salt and sugar love to hold on to my midsection. Heavy girl, means no pointe, sooo... Eating bad food? There's no pointe!! Hey I like that, I just made that up.


  • QueenoftheWillis
    QueenoftheWillis Posts: 16 Member
    I'm about to possibly start taking 15+ hours of ballet a week (15.75 hours without private and semi private lessons but if I get a job I'm going to pay for some private and/or semi private lessons). For home things, I'm starting a rotation. Every day will incorporate both stretching and strengthening but day one will focus more on flexibility and day two more on strength. I'm considering also doing yoga in the mornings and before bed just to help myself be more aware of my body and to centre myself. I used to do this and I felt so much better for it. I also want to do pointe every day so whenever I don't have pointe at ballet, I'll do pointe at home. Which means I'll be doing pointe every Sunday, Monday, and Friday if they put me in ballet 3. I also want to start going for walks every once in a while because they're just so relaxing and a really good way to get exercise in AND get outside!

    @TheSpicyMerma That little saying you made up made me laugh :) I like it!
  • TheSpicyMermaid
    TheSpicyMermaid Posts: 279 Member
    I'm about to possibly start taking 15+ hours of ballet a week (15.75 hours without private and semi private lessons but if I get a job I'm going to pay for some private and/or semi private lessons). For home things, I'm starting a rotation. Every day will incorporate both stretching and strengthening but day one will focus more on flexibility and day two more on strength. I'm considering also doing yoga in the mornings and before bed just to help myself be more aware of my body and to centre myself. I used to do this and I felt so much better for it. I also want to do pointe every day so whenever I don't have pointe at ballet, I'll do pointe at home. Which means I'll be doing pointe every Sunday, Monday, and Friday if they put me in ballet 3. I also want to start going for walks every once in a while because they're just so relaxing and a really good way to get exercise in AND get outside!

    @TheSpicyMerma That little saying you made up made me laugh :) I like it!

    Wow. 15 hours a week. That sounds like some true dedication! I miss those days. Well it's nice to meet you and it'll be fun to follow your progress in the hard core world of ballet! :D
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    Pure hobby here!

    I'm 28, 5'8" and 159lbs so I'm also trying to drop weight and improve technique so I can go on pointe someday. I take class twice per week, and I just started doing P90X Lean. I don't do it on the days I have ballet, but it works out that I don't really miss anything crucial on those days (yoga and a light cardio which I can make up for on the weekends).

    I did the P90X core workout on Monday for the first time and noticed that I was much better at balancing in class on Tuesday. I had heard people say that a strong core helps a lot with ballet, but I didn't realize that ONE core workout would make so much of a difference! I had a fantastic class and I think that this program will help make me a stronger dancer.

    I need to incorporate running into my workout schedule soon since I have a Thanksgiving 5K and I don't want to be the last person to cross the finish line. :)

    As far as diet, I stick to 1400 per day and generally don't eat exercise cals back unless I'm really hungry. I tend to go a little under during the week and a little (or a lot!) over on the weekends so it all evens out. I lose about 4lbs per month which is fine with me, although I've lost 2lbs since starting P90X at the beginning of the week!
  • Weebs628
    Weebs628 Posts: 574 Member
    Hobby dancer here as well! I started dancing about 3 years ago. I'm 25, 5'2" and 150 pounds. Here's my routine:

    Mondays: Run and Zumba
    Tuesdays: Run and Ballet
    Wednesdays: Ballet Beautiful DVD
    Thursdays: Run, Zumba, Modern
    Fridays: Ballet Beautiful DVD
    Saturday: REST DAY
    Sunday: Ballet Beautiful DVD

    I feel like running has really helped me in my dancing. Especially my leaps. My leg muscles are getting stronger so I can launch off the ground now!
    I eat 1,600 calories a day and eat back my exercise calories. My ultimate goal is to dance en pointe as well. Hopefully I can do that in a couple of years.
    I'd like to start doing yoga too to work on my flexibility, but I don't know when I would fit it into my schedule!
  • TheSpicyMermaid
    TheSpicyMermaid Posts: 279 Member