
Heyyy fellow crossfitters!!

I'm curious as to how many calories you all eat and if you're paleo or not... also your stats and goals... i dont know if im consuming the right amount is all :)

I'll start!!
140 lbs
Paleo, aim for 1500-1800/day
Crossfit 4-5x week
Goal- Lose ~10 lbs but more importantly gain muscle...scale is less important


  • jenaissance
    jenaissance Posts: 302 Member
    Paleo most of the time
    I eat between 1800 and 2400 cals a day
    crossfit 5x week
    no weight loss goal, just to get fit :) It's working
  • DarkAngellEyes
    DarkAngellEyes Posts: 317 Member
    I'm 5'4"
    Mostly paleo (currently about half way through the Whole30)
    I eat around 1800 cals a day (usually more on crossfit days)
    Crossfit 3-4 times a week
    My main goal is to increase strength and lower my bf %, but I'm also only 5 lbs or so from my ultimate goal weight, so I would love to lose a little too.
  • _stephanie0
    _stephanie0 Posts: 708 Member
    thanks for the reply ladies!! i feel like im not eating enough sometimes because with my food and crossfit workouts i only net 1100 some days, yikes!!

    the past week ive only ate 1300-1600 calories too and i'm up two pounds LOL woops!! gotta eat more :P
  • Fruch02
    Fruch02 Posts: 104 Member
    Listen, people think about this stuff way to much. As long as your eating clean (Paleo) and training mean...then eat when you're hungry...don't eat when you're not hungry. You will see results. Too many look into more than it is.
  • dunc289
    dunc289 Posts: 54 Member
    Hi there,

    47 year old man.

    Crossfit 2 days on, 1 day off.
    Mixed with 5 x 5 weight training 3 days a week, surfing and trail running whenever.

    Not Paleo at all, but do cook all our own meals from fresh (but not "Grass fed" ingredients).
    Call it an opportunistic Mediterranean diet really.

    If the supermarket is doing chicken or steak at half price, guess what we're having for dinner!

    Limit my cals to 2300, sometimes under, sometimes over. Drink lots of wine, eat chocolate and cheese, but not much bread or potatoes.

    Lost about 25 lbs in the last 3 months, and it's not a hardship at all.

    It IS different when you're my age though.
    I had to cut the intake, just exercising didn't work for me.

    Goal is to lose the last vestiges of my Moobs. They're basically pre-teen now.
  • chsmith79
    chsmith79 Posts: 240 Member
    33 yo male
    6' 236 lbs fully dressed don't know actual weight since I keep no scales at home.
    CF 3-5 days a week

    I don't Paleo,.........yet
    I do a low-cal(1650 max) usually around 1400cal.
    That's not many calories but I guess I had enough stored up to use.
    Since I've started counting cals and CF I am not nearly as tired as I used to be.
    Oh yeah, I quit drinking Diet DP cold turkey. Just water, UnSweet tea, water,Powerade Zeroes,and water
    I do try to keep carbs at 100 or less.
    Still got a ways to go, but headed in the right direction.
  • Mummyadams
    Mummyadams Posts: 1,125 Member
    40 yo female
    5 ft 8
    140 (ish lbs) - don't worry about the scales anymore
    Trying Primal but am finding it hard so still eat oats for bfast and try to cut out refined carbs for the rest of the day
    Crossfit 2 x week mixed with heavy weight training/cardio the rest fo teh week
    I aim for around 1500 a day but if I'm hungry I eat more (clean)
    Goal is to lost that last layer of fat and get some serious definition and strength (aiming for 10 x pull ups & 1 x rope climb by Xmas)