Challenge: Booooolicious!!!!!!

garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
Challenge: Today is about do you plan to attack Halloween? How do you plan to help your children learn balance of treats and good healthy foods? Remember good health is not just weight but with teeth and gums too!
How do you plan do deal with the parties?

If we share ideas it may help.

Wonder Woman


  • Drea_ann
    Drea_ann Posts: 65 Member
    For parties: Eat before you go and carry water with you. If people see you are eating/drinking something, they are less likely to ask if you want something else.

    For having candy at my house: I made the decision to nix trick or treatersand I am rewarding myself with a concert for doing well. Not necessarily in the weight loss I want, but in eating better. So Snow patrol instead of trick or treaters this year. (we are still dressing up though :o))
  • Slove009
    Slove009 Posts: 364 Member
    I am not much of a big candy person anymore, so that's most likely not going to be an issue. I'm also almost neurotic about keekping my teeth clean, lol! The issue I would have with halloween parties would be pastries and alcohol. I love cakes/cookies which can be just as bad as candy, and alcohol makes a huge difference on the waistline as well..... I plan to eat something small and healthy, and drink lots of water for each drink I have. (I usually do 2-3 glasses of water per alcoholic drink)

    Then I plan to run my butt off until thanksgiving comes around!
  • kriskerans
    kriskerans Posts: 92 Member
    I won't have a problem, sweets aren't my issue, I can take them or leave them.. as for parties, we're doing a Trunk or Treat at our church, so I will keep my self busy with helping out, and stay away food table. Keeping busy and not sitting down, I won't eat.
    I hope everyone can have fun and not worry about food, just watch the little ones, an remmember we used to not have to worry about anything back then... it sometime sucks being a adult....
  • oboeing
    oboeing Posts: 1,816 Member
    I will be working, but since I work at a firehouse, I get to hand candy out to kiddies. Maybe it's a horrible way to think, but Halloween was the one time of year I was allowed to have candy, and it was portioned out by my parents on a daily basis. i almost think it's a right of passage. thank goodness i have no kids of my own to discipline....

    i am going to a halloween party (hopefully in a pair of leather pants i found at a thrift store 3 years ago), and i plan on having a turkey sandwich before i get out of my car, and just having water and enjoying my friends.
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    I plan to lock my doors, go to bed early and ignore all the little brats. :smokin:
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    Mr Aak!!!! LOOOOOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :laugh:
  • lisaissasa
    lisaissasa Posts: 402 Member
    You all had fantastic ideas. I wish you all success in your endeavors. My husband absolutely loves candy (all Kinds) and loves to hand the candy out to all the kids. I will be sitting next to him freezing my butt off. But maybe since the weather has been so nice it will not be cold.

    I think I will buy candy he likes but I do not care for that will keep me from snacking on the sweets.
  • Madaol12
    My husband is just the opposite, he could live without any kind of candy. He does love cakes and cookies though.
    We take the kids out, they go thru their bag and get rid of what they don't like which basically leaves chips and mini bars with a few little odds and ends. They eat it spaced out over the next couple weeks.
    No real sugar hounds here.