A Rainy Thursday - Check in 10/4/12

JacciSimms Posts: 212 Member
GM ladies -- I had a terrible eating day yesterday. I went waaaaay over my calories and I didn't workout. Geez. Today is another day and I'm on task so far. JamirahMUA and ShallaLovee you guys have probably already worked out. Are we doing HIIT 15 and Strength 30 today?

What's everyone else up to today? How's the weather in your neighborhood?


  • ShallaLovee
    ShallaLovee Posts: 341 Member
    Morning Jacci! We all fall off the wagon but the good thing is your getting back on and going for the ride. Make today better than yesterday :). Yup, I already did my workout. I had HIIT 15 + Tone 30. First time doing Tone 30 and I LOVE it so much more than Sculpt 30. I did really good in HIIT 15 I was shocked at how I was keeping up with the jumping. Now I know why Jamirah was like it's something about being in the air that gives you that high. I might not get up as far as them but I was killing it! LOL. Today I'm thinking I'm going to start walking again just in the afternoon instead of mornings. So yeah I hope everyone has a great day!
  • JacciSimms
    JacciSimms Posts: 212 Member
    Hey ShallaLovee -- Great job getting your workout in this morning. You're right it is Tone 30. I glance at the schedule as I'm running out the door. I know i must be online somewhere. I'll have to look that up. You and JamirahMUA are "killing it" with your jumps!! Walking sounds like a good plan. Keep us up to date on how that's going.
  • JamirahMUA
    JamirahMUA Posts: 113 Member
    Hey Ladies! I did HIIT 15 tone 30 & tried to do a little Jillian Michaels kickboxing but could only make it halfway through! I did better on the HIIT than i had previously...the last drill was the hardest...my legs were on fire and i would lose my place a little. Lol I have to agree that i enjoy tone more than sculpt. I really felt it in my arms!

    Jacci I've been off track pretty much from the beginning but I'm getting back. I'm really starting to realize that changing my life completely is hard work, and like an alcoholic or drug addict you have to take it one day at a time! It's definitely not easy but as long as you don't give up things will be better!

    Shalla yes it is so empowering to do the jumps no matter how high! They can only get better! I really can't wait to get my flexibility back and be able to get higher and better extension...i used to be a cheerleader and my flexibility was great but I've lost almost all of that!

    I hope you guys enjoy this day.
  • JacciSimms
    JacciSimms Posts: 212 Member
    Hey ladies -- you both inspired me to try the jumping jack jumps. It was exhilarating. Thanks guys. I'm 56 and my knees aren't what they should be :frown: Thanks for your words of encouragement. Our eating may not be perfect every day but we need to continue to try. I will talk to you both tomorrow.