Decided to start over!

jpbenjamin Posts: 116 Member
Today is my Day 1! I did a pretty good job on the program for 10 weeks, and then the summer hit...and all that hard work went out the window! I didn't gain too much back, but my motivation and strict schedule definitely didn't hold up to my summer time when I'm off for almost 3 months. So i'm back on the bandwagon today. Meals are looking good, and i'm ready for Fire 30 tonight. Has anyone else done this? Has it helped? if any of you would like to be friends, please send me a request! I need all the motivation I can get these days!


  • jmaguil4
    I also started again today! I was kinda lazy over the summer lol, I didn't gain back because I was still watching my intake, but I feel soft now! My workout is done, awesome breakfast, lunch is cooking. Sooo I'm off to a great restart if I may say so myself =).
  • MrsPrettyInPink5
    Hi ladies! Today was day 1 for me as well! I made it all the way to week 9 and somehow fell off the wagon. The summer went by and just now making it back.

    I'm going to add you both as a buddy! We will get through this!
  • CrystalBarzare32
    Hello... Im on weeek 12 of Turbofire.. I love Turbofire:)
  • blasian603
    blasian603 Posts: 28 Member
    hi there!! i started turbofire at the end of august and completed all the way through week 4 but fell off the last couple of weeks. i'm supposed to be in week 6 right now. i was doing my turbofire classes in the morning and working out at the gym in the evenings. and sometimes when i couldn't get up in the morning, i'd do it after i came home from the gym. i got burned out a little bit. (tryin to do too much!!)

    i'd like to be friends with you hopefully so that i can stay on track because i love doing TF very much!!

    i will add you!!
  • jpbenjamin
    jpbenjamin Posts: 116 Member
    Thanks to all of you that replied, and added me as a friend! Let's get this started!!!
  • vanillapot
    vanillapot Posts: 17 Member
    Hi girls,
    I'm on week 8 of turbo fire and so far I love it!
    It's weird though cause for the last couple of years I always gave up working out after just 1 or 2 weeks. I wasn't able to start a fitness program without getting bored and giving up. I've tried Tracy Anderson programms, Brazil butt lift, turbo jam....but My was just very weak!
    I then tried Turbo Fire and I also read Chalene's book Push. I cannot believe I'm on week 8!! I'm proud of myself. Now I just have to stop eating junk food!