Hope for you! PCOS and 5 weeks preggy! ttc for 4 years

angelraguel Posts: 142 Member
Quick intro about me-

I have been trying for over 4 years now to get pregnant and been unsuccessful.

I went to a fertility clinic 3 years ago and they refused to help me inless I lost some weight, They were really unhelpful and this made things worse for me and I put on more weight.

I went back to the clinic this year 2 weeks into jan and again they told me they wont help until ive lost weight.
So this time because they have agreed to see my in July rather than just discharge me like they did all those years ago, I actually have a chance and have decided that this is the year I must lose this weight as I approach 30!

EXCITING NEWS!!!!! - I found out tuesday night that i am pregnant :D! I was due to start fertility treatment next wednesday! (HOW IRONIC) so its a hell of a shock! They think im about 5 weeks. very early days but im going to try and stay positive and pray my hormones stay good as having PCOS can upset hormone balances and could result in misscarriage.
I really do believe this has happened because of the changes I made about 6-7 weeks ago when i paid to see a nutritinist! I have lost 53 ibs and still have another 70ibs to go! however when and if i reach the second trimester the scales are going to be put away and im just gonna eat when hungry etc.

Please dont give up your dreams ladys cos i almost did and after 4 years its happenend!


  • kimimila86
    kimimila86 Posts: 399 Member
    Congrats! That's definitely some exciting news. Keep up the good nutrition :drinker: I hope to have the same happiness one day
  • I am so very, very excited for you!!! I wish you the very best and you're going to be a great mommy!!! You are a great inspiration to us all with PCOS that it can happen!:drinker:
  • aatlchavens
    aatlchavens Posts: 44 Member
  • npeeks22
    npeeks22 Posts: 18 Member
    Wow! I hope your pregnancy continues to go well and you have a healthy, happy baby. I'm currently working on my eating habits and have started exercising everyday in hopes of losing weight so that I can conceive a child when the time is right. Your post has really uplifted me. Many blessings! :-)
  • Doozer1978
    Doozer1978 Posts: 61 Member
    I am so so so so pleased for you!

    Thank you for posting this - it gives me hope. I have a similar story as I was told that I had to lose 6 stone in 6 months or I would be discharged (British NHS system sucks). I considered all sorts of drastic options until I went to see a private nutritionist who made me see sense. I now have an action plan to lose weight and see my doctor in November for the first steps in treatments for the PCOS in order to conceive.

    Good luck - I am really really pleased for you.

    Big hugs xx
  • anneerick
    anneerick Posts: 147 Member
    Wow - I could just hug you through this computer monitor.
    Thank you for such an inspiring story. I'm on 3 1/2 yrs. of ttc and stories like this give me hope.

    Congratulations!! :flowerforyou:
  • angelraguel
    angelraguel Posts: 142 Member
    thanks guys and this is exactly the reason why I did make this post, to show others it can happen, i just wasnt expecting it to happen naturally though and funnily enough im still in shock.. not sure when that is going to pass though! It will happen one day guys!
  • nabzilla_uk
    nabzilla_uk Posts: 45 Member
    OMG! So happy for you hun! congratulations! Stories like this give me hope ;)
  • minkakross
    minkakross Posts: 687 Member
    Congratulations. I remember the first positive pee stick and my shock and disbelife that it had finally happened, so much so that we literally used 3 sticks the last being the brand that uses the words pregnant or not pregnant just because it was more real. My first ultrasound was at 5 weeks. (I was 34, obese and marked as high risk from the start) My wee one looked like a grain of rice in a little void but hearing the heart beat was like winning the lotto and walking on clouds all at the same time. I now have 2 beautiful girls ages 5 and 2, there is nothing I have ever experienced as amazing on the heart, mind and body as having these little womb buggers and watching them grow from grain of rice to little people with minds and personality plus. They are now my inspiration to reach my goal weight as I want to be around for weddings and grandbabies and whatever else life has in store.
  • Kristinam921
    Kristinam921 Posts: 66 Member
    I am soo happy for you!!! Congrats!!!!! I bet it's the best feeling in the world!!!! See PCOS can't keep you down!!! We can all fight through it and conquer it!13746657.png
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  • joyciebear
    joyciebear Posts: 13 Member
    sososososo happy for you! it is so uplifting to hear this! Congratulations! I'll be sure to send you lots of happy and positive vibes so that you may have a healthy pregnancy and baby! :)<3
  • mrswaite08
    mrswaite08 Posts: 93 Member
    Aww, congrats! Fx'd you have a happy & healthy 9 months! :-)
  • angelraguel
    angelraguel Posts: 142 Member
    Thanks for all the comments! these weeks have not been easy as i was told to expect a misscarriage but luckily it never happened! my scans have been just little white circles! but i am now 11 weeks and 2 days and have a scan on the 12 oct and i rly cant wait, gonna be weird seeing a baby for once and not white rings!

    keep going with your weight loss guys cos i rly do believe it helps! good luck!
  • divalivious
    divalivious Posts: 213 Member
  • SuperMammaLeah
    SuperMammaLeah Posts: 93 Member
    I am so excited for you!! <3
  • presleytitus
    presleytitus Posts: 22 Member
  • felisel
    felisel Posts: 17 Member
    Congrats on your little miracle!!!! Thanks for sharing right at a time when I honestly thought it was lost hope!!!! I wish you the best and congrats again.