Introduce Yourself!



  • jennmcd11
    jennmcd11 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I just joined this group. I always enjoyed exercise but backed off the intense exercise when I got arthiritis at 26. It was when a friend pushed me to train hard (for a half marathon) that I found pushing myself hard improved my symptoms. As opposed to all those gentle hikes etc.I think it is the aerobic training, blood circulation... Im really happy to be on mfp. Im excited about the imporvements in my diet. I am looking forward to meeting others who dispite the challenges know diet and exercise are important and worth while.
  • jennmcd11
    jennmcd11 Posts: 2 Member
    I had custom made foot insoles because i was developing bunions. They support my arch and distribute my weight properly that suprisingly makes walking much more comfortable than with out. Those combined with roomy sneakers are what help me. They cost 200 bucks but ive had them for eight years now. I have inflamation in my foot pad and big toe. I hope this helps you in you search for the right foot wear :)
  • Hi everyone! My name is Heidi. I am 40 years old and was diagnosed with RA 2 years ago after losing 100 lbs. Since then I have put all of my weight back on. :( I'm here to try again. I'm glad this group exists as losing weight with RA can be a real struggle! Looking forward to sharing with all of you! :)
  • Daydreams406
    Daydreams406 Posts: 249 Member
    I guess I never did my intro.
    My name is Lucy.
    I was diagnosed with RA this summer, in August to be exact.
    I also have degenerative joint and disc disease in my spine that I was diagnosed with in May.
    I also have fibromyalgia, and Hashimotos (underactive thyroid)
    I have been here on MFP since March.
    I didn't do any work outs or calorie counting for the duration of the summer.
    I am on meds now for my new diagnosis and feeling a little better. I am not surviving on major pain killers daily now, so that is a plus.
    So I am here to start losing again.
    I started out bike riding...the first day was horrid...I barely made it home, my legs and knees were on fire with searing pain, and I barely made it into the house. Not from lack of exercise either, because I was biking around fine before my RA flare.
    But I kept at it and I can bike for about 30 minutes (with pain meds).
    I did a Jillian Michaels work out, one that I had done 7 months ago, and while I finished it without resting, and still could tell I am much stronger than I was the first killed my body. My joints and muscles were screaming at me for the last three days. lol But I am going to attempt it again and see how it goes.
    Gotta keep moving forward towards a healthier me.
  • heth120
    heth120 Posts: 32 Member
    My name is Heather, a british wife and mother of three. I was diagnosed 2 years ago at 42 with serum-negative RA and was started on Methotrexate and Folic Acid (tried steroids but gained a load of weight). Up until recently it has worked really well, but just started a flare in the last week. I'm hoping to lose about 70lb but have been on 1500 cals for over a year and only lost about 12lb. I have just dropped back to 1200 in an effort to get things moving again. My main pain centres are wrists, knuckles, elbows and, more recently, ankles and feet. My Rheumatologist offered me a course of pred to beat back the flare but I have turned him down as I put 10lb on in two weeks last time I had them. I'm just hoping that being sensible with my exercise and eating will cut down the flare time.
    Nice to know I'm not alone out there!

  • Hi my name is Jayme!!! I am 20 years old I was diagnosed with JRA when I was 8. As long as I can remember I have struggled with my weight, it has been so frustrating. My RA currently is in remission and no longer responding to the meds I'm on (Methotrexate, Celebrex, Plaquenil, and Folic Acid) making it just that much harder to want to work out. My doctor is getting ready to start me on Actemra, (anyone else take this??) hopefully it will work. Trying to find that balance between my weight, RA, and College.
  • Hello my name is Bethany. I have not only been diagnosed with R.A. but I also suffer from Crohns and Vasculitis or Erythema Nodosum (their not which lab and docs keep going back and forth). I was actually diagnosed with Crohns first back in 1997 and the other autoimmune disorders decided to join their friend after that :). I had great weight loss progress up until my surgery on August 01,2012. I had a foot of my small intestine and a section of my colon removed, thus my slow down in the realm of exercise. Then back on prednisone for a flare of vaculitis/Erythema Nodosum .....which I have now gained back 7 lbs that I had lost :(...weaning off the steroids now, so I am having balance and dizziness issues like crazy but Im sure that will subside once completely off. Started back walking and watching my diet today. Wish me luck ...I now have about 40 lbs to go to meet my fitness goal.
  • Diagnosed wtih RA and chronic fibrous pain just over a month ago after dealing with symptoms for a few years. I have lost 20 pounds in 2012 and hope to lose another 40 for 2013. :happy:
  • scopper1
    scopper1 Posts: 6 Member
    My name is Shelly. I can't tell you how comforting it is to see there are others out there living my life. Well, comforting and disheartening at the same time because I really wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.

    I was diagnosed in 1998, about 6 months after symptoms started which was right after the birth of my twin daughters. I had a very difficult time finding a rheumatologist that wasn't crazy and experimented with several different medications. Finally I was put on something that made it possible for me to walk and to pick my babies up out of their cribs. I was on it for about 10 months and after seeing a picture of myself realized that I had put on a lot of weight. Turns out about 80 pounds. I changed doctors and found out that what I was on was a valium and about 50 mg of Prednisone a day. Since then I have been on methotrexate, plaquenyl and a host of others. About 7 years ago I went on Enbryl which has changed my life.

    I have recently been diagnosed with diabetes which wasn't much of a surprise. I really don't want to go on any more medication, in fact, I really want to be off the medications I am on so I am trying to approach this through diet and exercise. I am 41 and have a weight loss goal of 110 pounds. I am finding that exercising is an issue. It would appear that anything too strenuous is causing flare ups which have left me in bed for a few days at a time.

    Not exercising is not an option because without it, I won't lose weight. I am hoping once the weight starts to come off it won't be as big an issue.

    Does anybody have any helpful suggestions on what kind of cardio I can do that won't kill my knees?
  • Hello everyone!

    My name is Katie and I'm 25 years old. I was diagnosed with JRA when I was about a year and a half old. I've definitely been lucky compared to some kids that have JRA and never had to go on any very strong medications. The only meds I remember taking when I was little are aspirin and sulfasalazine. I went for several years during high school and the beginning of college without any meds, and during my freshman year of college my joints were doing great... at least great compared to my normal (I had lost some weight and was exercising fairly regularly). I thought maybe I had finally outgrown JRA, but about 2 years ago I had another flare-up and since then my joints have been rebelling against me. Currently I take Aleve twice a day. It seems to keep the inflammation under control, but I honestly can't remember a time in my life when I wasn't in pain. I don't say this to complain. There are so many people that are much worse off than I am.

    My husband and I have been talking about starting a family in the next year or two, and while I'm very excited about the possibility, I'm also worried that being off meds plus the extra weight of pregnancy will wreak havoc on my joints. Are there any of you that have had to deal with arthritis while pregnant? Any suggestions?
  • Hi there! my name is Donna and I am 51 years old. I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis at the age of 43, although had symptoms since the age of 40. I "retired" from work on March 1, 2012, and applied for social security disability. I was denied twice and now have an attorney and am waiting for a hearing. I have high cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood sugar and really need to lose weight. I was told recently by my foot surgeon that walking for exercise was not an option for me. I have been riding the recumbent bike at the gym when my tailbone pain allows and am able to use the elliptical machine for a short time. I am on Simponi currently but have been through almost all of the biologics. I cannot take methotrexate or sulfasalizine. I am hoping to get tips from you all on how you are losing weight and exercising. I am also looking forward to the support you offer and hope I can offer support to you as well.
  • shawnachaffins
    shawnachaffins Posts: 11 Member
    Hi everyone, my name is Shawna I am 28 years old I have two little boys me oldest is 6 and my youngest 2. I was almost crippled form RA three months after having my youngest son before they found what was wrong with me. Once diagnosed I was put on Methotrexate and Predisone for over a year. I am happy to say I am in a medicated remission now and only having to take Methotrexate. But I have gained weight while battling with RA and I want to be around to watch my babies grow up. So I have been watching my calories and exercising. Anyone that has advice on losing weight please let me know, I have not see very good results yet but trying to stay motivated. Anyone Feel free to add me as a fitnesspal and maybe we can help keep one another motivated!!!!!!
  • I would say try to reduce your carbs as much as you can. I found that Prednisone pounds are more stubborn than the regular ones. Also try to watch your sodium as well.
  • Hi everyone!

    I'm Keating, I'm 24. I've had RA like symptoms for as long as I can remember, but still no definitive diagnosis (rheum thinks that's what it is, but nothing comes up in tests, save for some crazy lit up bone scan results and general symptoms. No RA factor though) to date. I've been on a couple of different things (and seen several GP's and Rheums) but for now I'm on plaquenil and on day 2 of NO prednisone after a year of a lowish dose(woo hoo!!--But pardon me if I'm snappy or none of this makes sense!)

    I've been a bellydancer for 10 years, and find it to be my best gauge of how I'm doing-- it's light enough exercise that I can accomplish something, but during a flare I'm well aware of my limitations.

    I'm hoping to find others who are younger and in the same boat-- it's frustrating on the best days, and difficult to explain to people as to why you can't go on the insane 6 day camping/hiking/ snowboarding trip with your new husband, because "you're 24, what's your problem??" Ugh. At any rate-- love the group, happy to be here!
  • Solidkrieger
    Solidkrieger Posts: 12 Member
    How are ya doing. I have been diagnosed with RA since Nov of last year. I seemed to have had it for a while but always seemed shrug it off as me lifting weights wrong, till it hit my whole body out of no where and lasted for the next two month. Hopefully I can get back to what I use to be and I hope the same for everybody.
  • Solidkrieger
    Solidkrieger Posts: 12 Member
    How is everyone doing today?
  • shellybsn
    shellybsn Posts: 57 Member
    Hi! I'm Shelly and I was diagnosed with RA this week. I will be starting meds soon, but I have to wean my 9mo dtr first who I'm still breastfeeding. I think I am more upset about that than I am about my diagnosis. Looking for some support as I start down this long road. I need to feel better to keep up with 3 kids 4 and under!
  • skamnorth
    skamnorth Posts: 43
    Hello everyone!

    I am a 26 yr old female with ~40 lbs to lose!
    I've been living with Juvenile RA for 10 years and AS for 3 years. It is my AS-diagnosis that really got me to kick myself in the *kitten* and make me decide to live healthier. I am trying to strengthen myself after 13 years of sedetary state (started off in a wheelchair) and hopefully I won't be ending up with a bamboo back...

    Feel free to add me :)
  • Sixtyby60
    Sixtyby60 Posts: 11 Member
    Hello folks - I haven't posted in over a year. I've had RA for four years and while it is pretty well controlled w/ Cimzia, I have had the hardest time with exercise/fatigue. It seems sometimes for no bloody reason at all, I'm just exhausted for a few months and my hips are killing me and it hurts to exercise and then, it just disappears. I have sero-negative RA, which means all the blood tests are negative, but my rheumatologist made the diagnosis by my symptoms and an MRI of my wrist. After four years in treatment, first Enbrel and MTX and now just Cimzia, my MRI is basically normal and all the changes in my wrists are gone. What I keep forgetting is that moving makes such a difference. When I stiffen up and do less exercise, it makes things worse. I recently went to Colorado to go skiing and my doc gave me decadron, a steroid, to prevent altitude sickness and keep me from hurting so I could enjoy the skiing. It's been three weeks since the decadron and my hip pain is gone and my hip is so much better it's ridiculous. I've had a few massages and I've been exercising like crazy and it just keeps getting better. My trainer and I can't believe the difference. The steroids don't last forever and generally, I don't want to take them because of all the side effects, but I swear it just got rid of what ever kept me from moving my hip. I have more flexibility than I have had in two years, even after injections for bursitis. The hardest damn thing about this disease is not being able to understand it or predict it.. Anyway, after huffin' and puffin' at 9100-13000 feet I had an epiphany. I decided that if I have to get old, I am NOT going to get old AND FAT. I'm super motivated to get back on target and having been doing really well with exercise and limiting my calorie intake. Hardest thing to give up is wine and an occasional Manhattan because I just want to relax sometimes. But....I think sometimes the alcohol contrikbutes to my fatigue the next day. So folks, I am hoping to stay totally on task and get myself down to 160. My original plan last year was to get to 160 by the time I turned 60. Well....I will be 61 in a week so I have to reset my goal. I am determined to get to 160 by the end of the summer, if not sooner. I am rowing and using an eliptical. I do pilates and work out with a trainer once a week. I get massage as often as I can afford it because it makes such a difference in my soft tissue complaints. SO there you have it. Sorry if I am long winded. Good luck to everyone. It is a ***** of a disease.
  • Hi, I'm Monica I was diagnosed with RA a year ago. Within that year I gained 50lbs with being placed on prednisone and not exercising. I've been doing mfp for about a month and a half. I've lost 24lbs so far. woot woot