October Starting Weight - Let the Games Begin



  • JustineSane
    JustineSane Posts: 26 Member
    Highest weight = 250+ (scale only went to 250)
    MFP Start Weight = 230
    Oct 1 Start Weight = 174.4
    Oct 31 Goal Weight = 165
    I weigh in on Wednesday mornings.
  • mkeegs
    mkeegs Posts: 3
    October 1st! Here I go! Maybe this group will be the motivation I need to get my butt in gear!

    SW: 182
  • peterdt
    peterdt Posts: 820 Member
    I'm in.
    SW: 326
    CW: 303.8 - lost 22 pounds since June 23rd. Pretty happy with that. Now I'm ready to turn up the volume a bit.
    GW: 293.8 - going to go for 10 pounds instead of 6. But I'm still happy with 6.

    Hitting the gym 6 days a week for 1 hour including 3x strength training. 2000 calories a day diet.

    made tons of small changes in lifestyle and food since I started. Feeling great and looking forward to this challenge.
  • Shellanfit
    Shellanfit Posts: 258 Member
    October start wt : 128.7
    This month goal: 122.7 or less
  • xXxBlissxXx
    xXxBlissxXx Posts: 33 Member
    October starting weight: 100lbs
    This month's goal: 94 lbs at most
  • lorriannly
    lorriannly Posts: 37 Member
    MFP start wt was 171
    MFP goal wt is 145

    SW for October -- 169.1
    GW for October -- 163.1 or less :)
  • AmiC0717
    AmiC0717 Posts: 440 Member
    October lose 6lbs

    SW 207.6
    GW 201.6

    Stay strong everyone!
  • bvsyd
    bvsyd Posts: 1 Member
    Count me in..

    SW: 86 kg
    GW: 83 kg
  • skb12573
    skb12573 Posts: 182 Member
    SW 216#
    GW 210#

    I am in it to get it done!
  • meowkapow
    meowkapow Posts: 103 Member
    SW 135
    GW 129
  • My first challenge ever! Im in for losing 6 lbs in October.


  • daloverlyme
    daloverlyme Posts: 583 Member
    How is everyone doing so far this week? I know I have been kicking butt and taking names! I really hope is shows in the first weigh-in.
  • MelodyBronson
    MelodyBronson Posts: 67 Member
    Didn't lose anything my first week...:( it's like my body "knows" I'm doing a challenge and wants to sabotage me!

    SW: 226
    GW: 220
    Todays Wt: 226
  • First weigh in:

    Starting weight for October: 301.1
    Goal weight for October: 291.1

    First weigh in: 292.2

    Total Loss: 8.9 Lbs.
  • towens00
    towens00 Posts: 1,033 Member
    I'm in

    SW 161.2
    GW 155.2 for October

    CW 160.6 <.06>
    GW 155.2 5.4 to go
  • quinnjoned
    quinnjoned Posts: 5 Member
    1 week weigh in: lost 3 pounds!
    SW 160
    Current 157
    GW 140
  • This is exactly what I need: A CHALLENGE AND ACCOUNTABILTITY!!
    6lbs in October?? ITS ON!!! :)

    SW: 152
    GW: 146
  • 04hoopsgal73
    04hoopsgal73 Posts: 890 Member
    1 week weigh in: lost 3 pounds!
    SW 160
    Current 157
    GW 140

    Great work!:wink:
  • SRitzy
    SRitzy Posts: 79 Member
    MFP start wt was 200
    MFP goal wt is 150

    SW for October -- 170.0
    GW for October -- 164.0

    Current wt -- 167.0 lbs

    3 lb loss this week!
  • SanjiSun
    SanjiSun Posts: 69 Member
    SW October: 186
    GW October: 180

    End of week 1: 183.6

    Down 2.4 , 3.6 to go