Still Active?

jipsybird Posts: 878 Member
Just noticing nobody has been posting anything in the Thinning Mommies group. Just wondering if it's still an active group.

If you are reading this and wish to respond...

Just for kicks...

What is your favorite snack? What is your kid(s)' favorite snack?

Lately, my favorite afternoon snack is a banana smoothie with plain yogurt, oatmeal, pb, and cocoa. (Sometimes I'll do it for breakfast!)
My toddler loves pb with carrots, apples, and celery. She also greatly enjoys strawberry yogurt.


  • lsalvail
    lsalvail Posts: 3 Member
    We love watermelon. It is so hot outside that it is a nice cool snack.
  • jipsybird
    jipsybird Posts: 878 Member
    Haha, watermelon is great. Just had some the other day. My daughter must have eaten half of it by herself. It's a great treat for warm weather.
  • jodimull
    jodimull Posts: 7 Member
    We just discovered Nut Thins. Kind of like a cracker/chip but made from nuts. My son may have a gluten sensitivity and these are a great alternative to crackers, and healthier, too.
  • jipsybird
    jipsybird Posts: 878 Member
    Those Nut Thins sound awesome! Where do you buy them?
  • jodimull
    jodimull Posts: 7 Member
    Sorry to be so slow to respond, I haven't been on in a while. I found Nut Thins at WalMart in the cracker aisle. However, I've since learned Kroger has a much bigger selection of flavors in their organic section.
  • ToshaRozema
    ToshaRozema Posts: 30 Member
    Hello! I'm new to the group and motivated as ever!! I'm almost 28 and married with two beautiful children! :)