MFP Food Log

1ariesgal Posts: 18 Member
Does anyone have any insight into the flood tracker/planner on this site? It has me at 1470 cals and 55 grams protein for a daily goal. I just don't get this. To me, that's crazy low! Where did they get the numbers from? Does anyone here use this? I need to track cals & protein closely as I am vegan and it is very easy to under eat. Does anyone know of a better tool if this one is not appropriate?



  • vegannlg
    vegannlg Posts: 170 Member
    You can set everything yourself. (I don't think you can do this through the app) Go to tabs along the top:
    click: Home, right below that, click: Goals. Once there select custom and continue.

    The only things I changed were cal. goal, % of macros, & fiber. (I didn't mess with the workout section because my cal. goal has workouts figured in.)
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    MFP numbers are quite generic. If you're doing Stronglifts, I would recommend a LOT more protein than that. At least twice that. It's pretty easy to customize your macros.
  • 1ariesgal
    1ariesgal Posts: 18 Member
  • Rays_Wife
    Rays_Wife Posts: 1,173 Member
    Yes the calorie goals MFP gives are crazy low. go here

    I've been doing SL 5x5 for 3 months now and eat between 1800-2100 cals a day. I just take a 20% cut off my TDEE (maintenance) because I am trying to lose weight. Your calorie goal will vary based on your personal goals.
  • 1ariesgal
    1ariesgal Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks everyone! Off to customize :)