Long but pretty awesome update...

traumacode3 Posts: 32 Member
I wanted to take a few minutes to sit down and do something I have been meaning to do for a very long time…do a progress update not only my weight loss journey but also on life. Life for me over the last 4 months has been very interesting with more UPS than downs.

Back in May for those of you who know anything about my story I was faced with the ultimate decision. Either lose weight or ultimately you are going to die because of the health issues that your weight is causing. Scroll back a month before to April when I got married. I was adamantly against the marriage but it has helped me in several ways. My doctors after much fighting over it finally got me to agree to marry my wife aka a CPAP machine. Even though I love the machine, I am already looking forward to the day when we can divorce and go our separate ways.

After I left the hospital in May after it was determined I had not had a heart attack, it was strongly recommended I do what I knew all along I needed to do. I needed behavior modification. I enrolled in a 12 week program through the hospital appropriately called “Lose to Live”. During the program I met weekly with a dietitian and a personal trainer. I also made the decision on my own to go to counseling with a psychologist once a week. I wanted to work on me for 12 weeks and make myself a better and healthier person. I owed it to my family so that they didn’t have to see me slowly killing myself, but more importantly I owed it to myself.

When I started this program, I had goals in mind about what I wanted to accomplish. My mom and I had not talked for several months (and had not seen each other for even longer) and when she found out about my hospital visit, she reached out to me. I asked her for time to work on myself. She respected my wishes and I did keep her updated on my progress. I was also able to take a leave of absence from being a volunteer EMT so I could remain focused. I recently saw my mom for the first time since last Thanksgiving which was nice to be able to spend time with her.

I also want to mention that for those of you wondering about my vital signs and things. My overall health is improving. I recently had my blood pressure medication cut back. In 3 months I dropped 6 pants sizes. My trainer would often tell me I needed to go buy new work out clothes which I recently replaced everything in my gym bag that didnt fit with new clothes to work out in. I do recall in the first 7 weeks my trainer took 5.45 inches off my waist and almost 2 inches off my thigh (unfortunately I cant remember other measurements off the top of my head).

I completed this program in last month. The program and the staff I was able to work with were amazing. Not only did I learn how to live healthier, but I learned things personally about myself through this process. When I came into this program in June, I had “cant” engraved into my mind. I would quickly tell you “I can’t” do something. Now more than ever I believe in myself and believe “I can”. I also didn’t believe “I am good enough and worthy.” I can say now with a smile and believing it that I am in fact good enough and worthy.

I have so much fun when I go work out at the Wellness Center. I am not always working out with my trainer but I have met new friends and I take in group exercises. My trainer has said I have gotten so much stronger since she started working with me. I also will challenge other trainers in work outs. One trainer has come up to me and said he wished they had more Lose to Live patients like me. I also had Pulmonary Rehab come up to me one day while I was working out on my own. I was on the treadmill running and I stopped and talked to her. She told me “It has been a joy watching you over the last 12 weeks. You didn’t know but often the staff would sit back and watch you from a distance. You’re such an inspiration to other others around here.” That is something I will always keep close to my heart. I have even had patients come up to me talking to me and the transformation I have made. On Friday it was all I could do to get out of the Wellness Center after my work out. In all 4 people stopped me and said it looked like I had lost more weight and that I was really started to look good and to keep it up.

I have started running some in intervals. When I started this in June, I didn’t know if I would ever run again in my life. I have gotten to the point to where if I don’t exercise for several days, I am not happy. Not only do I need it for my physical health, but it really helps mentally. I look forward to working out and at times people can see me and my trainer outside running around the medical complex (hospital, parking deck, medical offices). You will also see me running sprints with her.

Last week I was approached before my work out about a letter I wrote to my dietitian about this journey and process. I was told they would like to “profile” me and my journey over the last 12 weeks in this program in the Duke magazine/newsletter as well as a blog on the website. I agreed because if my experience can help someone else, that would mean a lot to me.

I also many months ago applied for a position working at Duke with Life Flight. I was told that the hiring process is long and after much waiting, I was contacted to interview with them and do a daylong ride along with Life Flight. It was an awesome experience and Duke Life Flight is amazing. It would be an honor if I were to be selected to work for them as I try to continue to make that positive difference in people’s lives.

Romantically…that is pretty amazing as well. I have met a woman who makes me smile and makes my heart race. I find her extremely sexy and at times I can’t get enough of her. She is supportive of me and my weight loss goals which is huge. I try to be supportive of her as well. Whether she knows it or not, she challenges me to be better than I was the day before. I am challenging myself (although she has told me to start practicing) to be in shape to run a 5K next year. When I run my first one (she has run several), I want her next to me running.

I guess that is it in a nutshell and this update is long enough. For those of you reading this that may be struggling right now, don’t give up. Since the end of April I have lost 54 pounds. I learned you didn’t get where you are overnight and you won’t get where you want to be overnight either. It’s one step at a time and regardless of how small those steps may be, they do make big steps in the end. If you fall, get back up, brush your knees off and come out of the experience stronger.


  • spiregrain
    spiregrain Posts: 254 Member
    Awesome story. Thanks for sharing it! I love this part so much:
    When I came into this program in June, I had “cant” engraved into my mind. I would quickly tell you “I can’t” do something. Now more than ever I believe in myself and believe “I can”. I also didn’t believe “I am good enough and worthy.” I can say now with a smile and believing it that I am in fact good enough and worthy.
  • bhankiii
    bhankiii Posts: 217 Member
    You are awesome! Enjoy the adventure that is your new life.
  • HolsDoinIt
    HolsDoinIt Posts: 327 Member
    wow what an amazing story...congratulations on each aspect of your new life...youre doing an amazing job...
  • kskroch
    kskroch Posts: 288 Member
  • sheismith
    sheismith Posts: 111 Member
    Way to go! Thanks so much for sharing!
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    Good to hear of your progress! It surely is tough to change everything you do and adopt a lifestyle you've never been a part of before. But, the rewards are great!