Friday Check in 10/12/12

JacciSimms Posts: 212 Member
Finally, it's FRIDAY!!! What's everyone doing over the weekend? I have nothing planned. Can you believe we're almost finished with week 4? Wow that's amazing for me. TF 55 EZ class tonight.


  • ShallaLovee
    ShallaLovee Posts: 341 Member
    Yes these weeks are going by so fast! I got up early and did my workout at 9am. Felt good but at the same time about that 36-41 minute mark my body just seems to give up a little and I start dogging it. So definitely doing Zumba today. I don't think we have anything planned for this weekend either. All I know is my sisters are coming and I'll probably be playing Zumba all weekend with the youngest. Also had Fire 55EZ Today.
  • JamirahMUA
    JamirahMUA Posts: 113 Member
    Hello ladies! I hope all is well...i did fire 55 EZ today also and Shalla i feel the same...i try to push through but woo I'm hurting by then lol! i am going out tonight with some coworkers. I don't go out often so I'm super excited! Sunday I'll be testing my will power! It's my moms birthday and she wants to go to the Chinese buffet ugh! Lol This month had definitely flown by! Have you guys seen or felt any changes? I can see a little change in my body. Haven't weighed myself since i revamped my eating last week..i had gained weight in the beginning :-(. I hope you guys enjoy your weekend!