Hello? (Echo....echo...echo....)

Hi everyone, just a little humor! Haha! Well really right this second it is just me in here but I do hope that many more will join me! This group has the potential to be amazing! I really am looking forward to meeting a few people who are like me, who I can get to know, and they can get to know me, and we can support each other along this journey that..... lets be honest... kinda bits the big one sometimes!! Haha!

I feel like I will never see my goal weight most of the time!! The big picture, it sucks! I feel like the only thing big is ME! Haha! It isn't just me is it?! Oh God! LOL!

Okay I am rambling.... I hope someone joins me soon... till then I am just a crazy overweight momma talking to herself. :)


  • PamelaKuz
    PamelaKuz Posts: 191 Member
    Count this overweight momma in! Great idea!
  • MeAfter30
    MeAfter30 Posts: 129
    Pamela glad you joined me!! I am Brenda by the way. I realized something today, I need to lose my 3yr old and my 4yr old's combined weight. I pick them both up and it's like "Damn!"

  • PamelaKuz
    PamelaKuz Posts: 191 Member
    Nice to mee you, again! Lol! I'm in kind of the same boat, I need to lose my daughter twice over. She's 28 lbs and I need to lose 60. Blah. We can do it though! "Baby steps" has been my mantra these days.
  • melanielb73
    melanielb73 Posts: 35 Member
    HI Ladies!!! As you can see my name is Melanie... Another overweight momma who needs to lose some weight. Matter of fact need to lose my daughter 2x over like Pamela said. I am looking forward to getting to know you ladies. I will say I am going away this weekend so will not be online too much...
  • MeAfter30
    MeAfter30 Posts: 129
    Hi Melanie! Hope you have a good weekend! Is it a fun "away" trip? Those are always my biggest challenges to stay on plan.

    It is kind of funny though when you can pick up your kid (or kids!) and say "Yep that is what I need to lose!" I seriously can only imagine how GREAT I feel when I am not carrying an extra 80 lbs constantly (ie; the weight of my two sons combined!) Talk about walking on air!
  • fabulessmommy
    fabulessmommy Posts: 40 Member
    I would be happy to join you ladies. I am an overweight mom as well and I also need to lose my sons weight plus some. Lol, I do my best to be upbeat and to keep a good attitude about the whole losing weight process but I do have my down days. I have decided to start setting smaller goals. i don't want to look at the over all picture until the over all has been reached. :) Any of you feel free to add me as a friend
  • Hello all. My name is Latosha and I have a long journey ahead as well. I have over 100 pounds to lose, but I am not focused on the number as much as this being a lifestyle change. I am setting small goals daily for myself. I wish you all well. :happy:
  • MeAfter30
    MeAfter30 Posts: 129
    Hi Latosha! Welcome!! I am right there with ya, I am an instant gratification gal, so I HAVE to set mini goals for myself or I will get frustrated and give up. I lost about 60 pounds a few years ago, but life happened and I have now gained it all back. So here I go again..... this time I am trying to make it more about a lifestyle change too, maybe prevent gaining it all back again because last time it was a diet.

    Bwillis (is it Brandy?) I am glad to have you join us too and I will say I LOVE having you in my friends list, your status's are refreshing and upbeat!! :)
  • hi my name is dawn and I would love to join your group ,I have about 15 pounds to lose but since on here maybe 10 days ago I do not feel like I'm not connecting with anyone that would support me ,I'm not trying to be a baby but I really need support I have been holding on to this 15 pounds or so for 5 years I want it off ,I have some medical issues and because of that I take medications they have told me it's because of the medications that I'm holding on to wait partly the other part is just me ,I would really love to support other people also that's really important to all ,need to go but I will be on here later
  • fabulessmommy
    fabulessmommy Posts: 40 Member
    Hi Latosha! Welcome!! I am right there with ya, I am an instant gratification gal, so I HAVE to set mini goals for myself or I will get frustrated and give up. I lost about 60 pounds a few years ago, but life happened and I have now gained it all back. So here I go again..... this time I am trying to make it more about a lifestyle change too, maybe prevent gaining it all back again because last time it was a diet.

    Bwillis (is it Brandy?) I am glad to have you join us too and I will say I LOVE having you in my friends list, your status's are refreshing and upbeat!! :)

    Yes, it's Brandy. I am glad to help. :) I appreciate you inviting me to this group.
  • MeAfter30
    MeAfter30 Posts: 129
    Hey Dawn! So glad you found us and wanted to join in!! I think we ALL need support when going through this. I mean... it is not easy and it is so much easier when you have someone who can relate to your struggles!! That is the idea of this group really, to find a group of people who can get to know each other and really support each other!!:smile:
  • nkcraig
    nkcraig Posts: 16
    Hello ladies, I am another Mommy trying to lose weight. I have over a hundred to lose :( I can't believe i let it get this bad. But I am determined to change it now. My name is Natasha and i am a mom to an adorable 10 month old. I live in Canada so I am blessed to have 12 months maternity leave. I hope to lose my first twenty pounds before I go back to work. Baby steps! I want to be a better Mommy and Wife. Luckily i have an incredibly supportive husband. Thanks for starting this group! It will be great to have some other positive ladies to chat with and keep me accountable.
  • MeAfter30
    MeAfter30 Posts: 129
    Hey Natasha I have a 9 month old daughter!! (And two boys ages 3 and 4) I have been saying I am going to lose this weight since she was 3 weeks old. I did lose 16 pounds but recently put it all back on. Blah! So yea, I am glad you joined us!!
  • Jessicao33
    Jessicao33 Posts: 189 Member
    I would love to join thank you
  • MeAfter30
    MeAfter30 Posts: 129
    Jump right in Jessica, we are glad you joined us! :) Also feel free to add me as a friend if you like! :)
  • Shug_E
    Shug_E Posts: 25 Member
    Hi everyone, I am not a mother, but this auntie needs some support and encouragement as well. I am on a complete lifestyle change and losing some weight is one of my priorities. I would love to lose at least ninety pounds. I recently weight 303 and never have I weighed that much. Currently I am at 283.6 and counting. So if you all will have me, I would love to join this group and help encourage where I can.
  • MeAfter30
    MeAfter30 Posts: 129
    Please join us! Our common ground is that we all need to lose weight, and we all recognize that having a little support along the way will make it that much easier to meet our goals!!
  • Hi guys.. An over weight, under fit Aussie Mummy joining as well.. Hope that's ok.
    My story is long and sad, so won't get into it now, but lets just say I have at least 40kg (88lbs) - possibly 50kg (110lbs) to lose. And will probably need LOTS AND LOTS of motivation to help me get there.
  • Joining! Just what I need!
  • jean701
    jean701 Posts: 12 Member
    Hello everyone....
    I need a group like this one....and need to learn to take small baby steps toward my goal. :). Hope to make some new friends here :), and that we can all keep each other "company" and in "focus" to get where we all want to be, right?....on another diet, I lost 17 lbs, weigh in today 139.3, and I fluctuate like mad. I do know, that I don't exercise enough, so I'm taking baby steps to make that one better...I want to have my GW as 130, and finally, my BMI is normal, and healthy. I'm hoping my Cholesterol levels will get better too. ;)