Wins for today!

Hi Ladies,

Just thought I would share my win for today. My thougthful hubby called me on his way home from work asking if i wanted a snack. He was thinking of getting burgers. I was so strong. I quickly told him no I had dinner prepped and we could eat after the baby went to sleep. Normally I would convince him to just pick up dinner on a friday night. You know what. I am so motivated right now that the brussel sprouts i had with my baked chicken breast and mashed potatoes tasted way better then any burger! Just had to share my win for today!


  • MeAfter30
    MeAfter30 Posts: 129
    Oh that is a temptation!! Husbands.... they're the devil, Haha! My husband is usually guilty of offering to pick-up Pizza on the way home. Oy! Way to go on staying on plan!!

    My Win for the day I would say was working out when I REALLY didn't want to! :happy:
  • nkcraig
    nkcraig Posts: 16
    Good Job on the Work out. I know i really have to convince myself it's worth getting sweaty for those extra calories.

    My husband is actual underweight. He can eat anything he wants and not gain a pound. I wish i had his metabolism. Lucky *kitten*! lol!
  • Shug_E
    Shug_E Posts: 25 Member
    Good for you! That was temptation knocking at your door and you did a good job by not answering.
  • Shug_E
    Shug_E Posts: 25 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    Just thought I would share my win for today. My thougthful hubby called me on his way home from work asking if i wanted a snack. He was thinking of getting burgers. I was so strong. I quickly told him no I had dinner prepped and we could eat after the baby went to sleep. Normally I would convince him to just pick up dinner on a friday night. You know what. I am so motivated right now that the brussel sprouts i had with my baked chicken breast and mashed potatoes tasted way better then any burger! Just had to share my win for today!

    Good for you! That was temptation knocking at your door and you did a good job by not answering.
  • PamelaKuz
    PamelaKuz Posts: 191 Member
    Good for you! I wasn't as strong yesterday. My hubs brought home two bags of chips and dip, and a bottle of wine. I held out until 11 pm, then I cracked. I counted out twenty, but man, it's still so many calories! Oh well, Im on the exercise bike right now making up for it.

    Edit- what's the deal with skinny husbands that can eat anything???
  • MeAfter30
    MeAfter30 Posts: 129
    Oh don't get me started on husbands who can eat anything and not gain weight. Or more so husbands who decide to "go on a diet" and hardly change their eating habits at all and drop weight like nobodys business! Sooooo frustrating!!
  • PamelaKuz
    PamelaKuz Posts: 191 Member
    It's crazy, eh? I've watched mine eat over 5000 calories in one evening. And he does that almost every day. He's stick thin! He IS a carpenter though, so he works hard during the day, but sheesh. I just can't believe how much crap he eats. I keep telling him to get checked out, because I'm guessing even though he isn't fat, his arteries are probably clogged solid.
  • Same here Im 4 pounds less then him ,I want him to be healthy I just don't want to way as much as him....
  • Jessicao33
    Jessicao33 Posts: 189 Member
    That's great
  • nkcraig
    nkcraig Posts: 16
    Get this, my husband is considered underweight for his height so now he wants to use myfitnesspal to help him gain weight. He said he needs to eat 3500 calories a day. Lucky *kitten*. Lol. So we went to the mall today and i had a small sub with water and he got kfc. I was so strong. I didnt even steal a chip or a sip of his pop. My husband is a plumbing apprentice so he works very hard and burns lots of calories. Lucky skinny men.
  • MeAfter30
    MeAfter30 Posts: 129
    3500! I am jealous! haha!

    My WIN for the weekend was that we didn't order out for food at all this weekend!! That is a huge victory for us!! :)