week 1- 10/10-10/17 How are we feeling?

How many of us are still here? We are almost through week 1!!!! How are you feeling? Is it getting easier? Harder? For me....I am unsure lol. I feel motivated after im done with the workout for the next day, but i still groan right at workout time lol. Its getting easier to do more modified pushups...After week 1 i will aim to do a couple of regular ones. I am finding it 100% necessary to immediately add a better diet to this routine to reap maximum results. My weekend eating was a dieaster and i hope my Wednesday weigh in isnt blown because of it. :indifferent: Tell about your 1st week?


  • ssheflin
    ssheflin Posts: 56 Member
    The first day was rough for me, but I'm easing my way into it. Today's workout was pretty rough, probably because I wasn't feeling good this morning, but I pushed through it. The weekend wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I weighed myself today and I have lost my first pound, so I'm pretty happy.
  • aamckay9
    I just finished day 8, and was finally able to get through the whole workout without stopping. It hurt so bad, but I did it. I hate this work out. But I need results, and 20 minutes a day isn't too much to invest, right?. I dislike every minute of the 20 minutes though. Although, I must say, i feel so proud of myself when I have completed that days workout!
  • pattiFM
    pattiFM Posts: 45 Member
    I simultaneously love it and hate it! I feel AWESOME after I'm done, so it keeps me motivated. I love that i'm feeling stronger, and I can tell i'm gaining muscle! It's amazing how fast you start to notice results with this. I've been trying really hard to keep my calories in check as well. I think as long as I'm diligent about working out every day and making sure that I stay within my goal, things should go pretty smoothly!
  • sofievb
    sofievb Posts: 54
    i'm still here and working hard! i love & hate it at the same time, too.. the exercises are getting a bit easier, but the video is kind of starting to annoy me, haha. whatever, I'll push trough and get to level 2 so it's not so boring anymore, haha. I've also been really paying attention to what I eat. I started MFP the same day as I started with the 30 day shred, and so far it's been going really well, i think. i've been under my calorie goal of 1370 everyday since last wednesday, i've done 30DS every day minus one, but I've worked out every single day! i'm kind of proud, didn't think it'd do so well actually. i'm hoping the scale wills how tomorrow!
  • Curvimami
    Curvimami Posts: 1,853 Member
    Im sore but loving it. Lost an inch off my waist and 1/2 an inch off each arm :-)
  • jezy_jass
    jezy_jass Posts: 328 Member
    I will be doing Day 6 tomorrow. I can feel it getting easier (although not easy enough to do regular push ups!) But I am hoping to at least do one set of regular and one set of modified tomorrow, and maybe even both sets by the time i move up to level 2! I can really feel the burn in my lower body (leg, butt, etc.). I too have trouble staying on track during the weekends. Not so much with the working out, but more with my eating habits, but I'm well aware of it and attempting to work on it so hopefully by Thanksgiving not only will I be shredded but I will have dropped my bad weekend eating habits as well!!

    First weigh in tomorrow. I'm anxious hoping to see good results, but at the same time kind of dreading stepping on that darn scale. Hopefully it will keep me on track today knowing that i have to weigh in tomorrow morning.

    Happy almost one week fellow shredders!!!
  • healthyversionofme
    healthyversionofme Posts: 111 Member
    im with you guys! day 5 today and week 1 will officialy be completed! i feel like i did bad in the calorie department so my focus next week will be diet.
  • melusinagr
    melusinagr Posts: 205 Member
    Today was day 9 for me - I won't be taking a break through level 1, because I know I'll need one during level 2 and I'll run out of time to complete it before we go on vacation. I have stomach flu today so working out was a challenge, to say the least. But I did it!

    Push ups are getting easier, but they still suck. The rest of level 1 is pretty "easy" by now.
  • TakeLifeIn
    Well, since I'm an experienced Jillian Michael follower (I did her online program back in 2006); I am only on day 4 and day one was 10/11. I only do 4 days of the actual 30 Day Shred DVD a week. I do cardio on the other days (sometimes I do extra cardio on my Shred days as well). It is very important to rest your muscles at least 1 day after every 2 days of strength training. With that said, I am getting stronger and the workout is getting easier. I have been working at losing weight for about 4 weeks now and I am down 5 lbs and 1 1/4 inches off my waist. I know 30 DS will get me tonned quicker than just cardio. Jillian's a beast, but she know's her stuff. Like everyone else it's a love/hate sorta thing. :)
  • jessica182517
    jessica182517 Posts: 390 Member
    Today will be day 12 for me, i dont seem to be sore after workouts anymore. I am on level 2 now its a little bit harder than level one but i like it, its more abs which is where i need to loose the most so thats good for me lol everyday is a little easier than the day before. I can tell my body is changing and that im getting in better shape becuase its not so hard like the 1st few days where i thought i was going to die lol
  • aamckay9
    I have my weekly weigh in tomorrow as well. I haven't done my workout today. :( I should get my butt downstairs and get it done. sigh.... It's only 20 minutes, right???